Chapter 1

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"Hey honey," mum greets as I make my way downstairs.

"Hey mum." She kisses my cheek.

"You still going for the job interview?" She asks on her way to the sink.

"Yeah, at least this job can help for now." I reply, dropping my bag to help her.

"Thanks, sweetie."

"No problem. Glad to help." I reply sweetly.


"See you." She waves.

"You too." I wave closing the door.

Mia and I are going for a job interview at a restaurant. I'm really wondering how the it will go. I knock on Mia's door waiting for anyone to answer.

"Hey." Mia's face pops out of the door with her in some casual clothes.

"Hey homie. You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." She comes out closing the door.

"Great. So how's life with James?" I wink nudging her while she laughs.

"Awesome. How's life with... Your future prince charming?"

"Cool. Besides the fact I haven't met him yet." I reply laughing a little.

Mia has a great life although her mom is a single mother- she's okay with it and to top it all, she has James who's like her soul mate.

"Don't worry you'll find someone soon."

"Please don't start; it's not a big deal." I almost beg knowing what's coming.

"You've been saying that since college. Actually, high school. I mean you don't want to be alone forever do you?" She asks getting serious.

"Mia, I've told you when the right person comes around I'll know. I mean look at you and James, you didn't force it. He threw his food on you by accident in college; you two could have become enemies but no, you're happy together. So please, don't start"

"Ok, ok." She raises her hands in defeat. "Fine, I'll wait but if nothing happens, I'm taking matters into my own hands." Knowing her she would do that.


"Miss Mia Storm and Miss Dianna Amore, only one of you can get the job. We are very sorry about that but you two can think about it." I was afraid this would happen; I'll really love Mia to have this job instead. "Mi..."

"Sorry sir, we're a package deal. It's either the two of us or none of us. Good day." She grabs my hand leading us out of the restaurant. I didn't mention but she is too bold for her good.

"Wait!" He yells catching up with us. "I was just joking; you two are in. Dianna you'll be a waitress for that charming smile."


"Thank you."

"You're welcome and Miss Mia, you get to choose from two jobs; a chef or a cashier- for that bold attitude of yours."

"Thanks." She mumbles.

"Work starts by 9 am the whole week and if you want to come during weekends, you're free too. You two begin tomorrow." He smiles and leaves.

I nudge Mia. "You get too bold some times".

"Well, I also got two jobs so..." She smiles raising an eyebrow.

"Still too bold." I pat her shoulder and she narrows her eyes at me making me laugh before she joins me.


I close the door after entering the house.

"How was it?" Mum jumps out of nowhere and asks as I put on a sad smile. "Oh honey, I'm sorry." She hugs me.

"Sorry for getting the job?" I ask with a wide grin and she pulls away.

"Dianna Melissa Amore. Do not bait me like that ever again." I bat my eyelashes at her sticking my bottom lip out." And you are not a baby anymore." I laugh.

"What's for lunch?" I ask, heading straight to the kitchen.

"Your favorite."

"Really?" I grin, walking faster.

"I had a feeling you would get the job." She says and I tackle her with a hug after confirming it's Spaghetti Bolognese. "Thank you." I kiss her cheek.

"I'm tempted to ask if there's another reason behind your excitement." She states suspiciously and I pull away.

Grabbing a plate from the rack, I begin stacking my plate with food, "There's none."

"I wish there was." She mumbles.

"Mum," I warn, "please don't start."

She raises her hands in surrender and shrugs. "I won't." Walking away she adds, "for now." And I sigh.

The person up there is Mia.

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