Chapter 4

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"Honey, is there a problem?" Mum asks while I'm eating.

"Why would you think there's a problem?"

"You've been staring real hard at your food like it's a convict and you're trying to know whether it's innocent or not."

"Really? I didn't notice.
Nothing's wrong. I'm just thinking" I smile

"About what?"

"Mum." I stress, groaning.

"Fine, fine. Just checking on you." The door bell rings. "That must be Mia."

"Yeah." I stuff the remaining in my mouth, waving at mum.

I wouldn't want to talk with my mouth full else I'll be up for like two hours watching some dining etiquette movie. I open the door, wave at Mia and close it after coming outside.

"Good morning to you too and it would be best if you finished that before coming with me." She stands at a spot holding her phone.

"All good " I gulp down the remaining.

"Great, let's go before I become a late person like you." She drags my arm.

"Hey I thought we were over that; I'm not a late bird." I yell making her laugh.

"Is that even a thing?"

"I don't know but there's early bird so..."

"Right... Who was the black haired girl in the SR yesterday?" she asks changing the subject.

"I thought you went home." How did she know?

"Go home while you and Thomas were there? Heck no."

"Excuse me?" What is she trying to say?

"You two might have had a moment if not for that girl."

I roll my eyes. "I don't know who she is. I tried introducing myself but she totally ignored me and I could tell from the tone of her voice that she wasn't pleased."

"I've told you not everyone is worthy of kindness."

"Well sorry for not knowing that my co-worker would ignore me or something."

She sighs. "You have to be more harsh; have some guts."

"I've got guts." I defend.

"Sure you do. What was she doing?"

"Weren't you there?"

"Yeah, but I got a call from Jay Jay." She gives me a genuine smile.

"I see where he gets May May from." She keeps smiling. "Anyways, she called Thomas Thomy." I tell her earning a whole-hearted laugh.

"Th-o-m-y?" She keeps laughing.

"Yeah, it's not really funny."

"To you, it's not but to me, it's more than funny." She keeps laughing. I shake my head and roll my eyes before walking faster. She thinks it's a joke, but it's not. It's disgusting and he even answered her. Why would he, what kind of nickname is that?

I feel her grab my arm.
"Were you serious?" She asks, walking up to me.

"Yes?!" I yell making her flinch and I calm down. "Sorry." I don't even know what's wrong with me.

"It's ok. You just proved you've got guts." She smiles earning a chuckle from me.


8:30 am.

It's like time is standing still while I keep hoping Thomas doesn't come in. I don't think I'll be able to talk to him without blowing up for a reason I don't know. So I take out my phone, lay on the sofa, and start reading a book on wattpad.

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