Chapter 25

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I yawn rubbing my eyes. I'm really grateful Mr Simeon gave me an extra day off. I check the time on the alarm clock as it reads 9:59am. Definitely no surprise there.

I get out of bed as I brush my teeth and head to the kitchen to make breakfast. Or rather, have breakfast. Another great thing about Debby coming home is her cooking. Let's just say she takes after mum.

"Heyaa." I greet as I sit on a stool, while Debby rounds off. She chuckles as I greet.

"Hey to you too. Don't you have work today?" She asks giving me a skeptical look as she places a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me.

"Nope. I have the day off- so you won't miss me too much." I grin, mockingly.

"That was one time. It was my first day in college, so you can't blame me." she argues while sitting across me with her own plate.

"Uh-huh." I tease while eating which makes her roll her eyes.

"Hold on!" She smiles brightly, "you work for him, don't you?" she wiggles her eyebrows letting me know exactly who the 'him' is.

I thought we were over this...

"Who in particular is the he?" I ask in attempt to stall which made her pout a little.

"Uh, Blake of course. Who else would I be talking about?"

Now, it's my turn to roll my eyes. "I don't work for him. I work in a restaurant, he owns a business. They are two different things you know."

"Bummer!" She pouts even more, while I shake my head.


We're presently in the studio about to have our usual battle but before we could begin we had to clean up the place since it's been a while since we've been here.

"Are you two ready?" Mum asks, acting as our judge.

"Yup." We reply, popping the 'p'.

"Begin!" Debby and I grin at each other before we start.

May the best artist win...


It's been 2 hours 30 minutes since we started painting and we're finally done. We both glance at mum as she had her sandwich halfway to her mouth before dropping it.

"I believe that look means you're both done." She states as we nod. "Let's see what we've got here. She walks up to Mia to get a good look at her piece as she smiles and nod in comprehension. "Great depiction." she comments as Debbie grins while smirking at me.

I shake my head at her as mum comes over to my side. She takes a look at mine, examining it. After some seconds, she grins. "Amazing imagination and colour combination." She remarks before standing in front of us for more emphasis on her position as the judge.

"You two have great imaginations and creativity. I love your individual artwork and I love the intensity of what they depict.."

"Mumm!" We groan.

"Fine, fine." She pouts. "Dianna's the winner." She says dryly. "Happy now?" She asks, a ghost smile on her face as a grin breaks out on mine, before I start dancing.

"I won, you lost. I won I won, you lost" I sing while sticking my tongue out at Debbie as her mouth hangs open.

"There is clearly a mistake somewhere."

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