Chapter 22

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We're currently heading to the hotel for the reception. To me, it's the best part of a wedding. The tension in the car this time around isn't as thick as before since we're talking lightly.

"I'd love my wedding to be just like theirs." Bianca, whose name I learnt recently, sighed dreamily as we all chuckle. I'm guessing she's a hopeless romantic.

"Uh, no way. I want mine to be hotter. Like my husband must sweep me off my feet when he wants to kiss me- like literally must." Another one of Mia's cousins, Vanessa, butted in earning amused looks from us.

"What about you?" Lisa, the third bridesmaid who is James' cousin, asks.

"Me?" I ask for clarification, after I noticed them all looking at me expectantly. She smiles with a nod. "Oh. Well, I guess I'd love my wedding to be blissful; I want it to be the true pronouncement of two people that'll always be there for each other and will love each other no matter what. I want it to be promising and long lasting." I finished off with a smile as I meantl every word.

"Awwn, that's both realistic and fantasy-ish. I love it." Lisa gushes as she claps her which I grin to. I like her personality cause she's like Mia; vibrant and full of life.

As time goes by, we keep making small talk till we get to the hotel. It's huge and well decorated in the wedding's colour codes which makes it look more elegant than usual.

We all get down from the car as we join the crowd of people at the entrance as the photographer starts yelling "the newly Wed!"

James and Mia stand on the platform changing poses as the cameramen does his job.

After taking pictures for more than an hour, guests proceeded to take their seats in the specially decorated section of the hotel for the reception. We(bridesmaids and groomsmen) trailed behind James and Mia sitting on a slightly elevated platform. Mia and James are at the middle, while the rest of us sit on a straight line perpendicular to them; bridesmaids on one side and the groomsmen on the other.

The master of the ceremony, Dean, who is quite popular, stands on the stage to kickoff the event. From my seat, I spot mum, dad, Marissa, Leone and Duke (James' father) as they were seated on one table. On another, I also spotted Mr Simon which puts a small smile on my face because it shows he cared at least.

I keep looking around as Dean mentions the newly wed and carries the crowd along, till I spotted him- Thomas. I got a sickening feeling as I saw Bailey with him as all hope of her not latching onto his arm the whole time withered away. His tie was the same colour with her dress. Big surprise. I look away as fast as I can. Today, I'm going to have fun no matter what and no one's going to ruin the day for me.

"At this stage i'd love to call on the chief bridesmaid who goes by the name, Dianna Amore and is also the stunning Mrs Lockworth's best friend. Uh... Mr Lockworth, no harm intended." He apologizes with a cheeky grin as everyone laughed.

I stand, smoothening out my dress before making my way to the platform as people clap and cheer though some whistle which makes me blush a little. I take the microphone from Dean, as he fades into the background.

"Wow! Where do I start?" I joke as a few chuckle. "Okay," I begin with a sigh. "Mia and I have been best friends since middle school and we've always been stuck with each other. We've had each others back, quarreled a few times but we always got back on track cause we understand each other and we've got a special bond. It wasn't until we went to college that she found James," I state with a smile, as I glance at them "and they've been as strong as anyone could ever imagine. I remember how whenever they fought, Mia would come over and rant, then cry, then rant and continue the process. Even when he told her about him leaving the state for a while to visit his grandparents; she had feigned a look of happiness but when he left, oh my God!" I exclaim as everyone laughs. "Though she told me not to spill. Love you Mia." I smile as I blow her a kiss. She glares at me for a while jokingly before catching the kiss and placing it on her chest, which causes a few 'awwns' to erupt from the crowd.

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