Chapter 11

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"I'll be there soon."

"I knew I should have picked you up." Mia keeps cursing.

"Mia it's just 8:20..."

"And you're not here."

"Hold your horses ok, I haven't even eaten."

"You haven't what?!!" She yells.

"I can't hear you. I'll just cut the call." I hang up knowing fully well I shouldn't have told her that.


I enter the SR to find Mia there.

"There's my bestie." I nudge her shoulder a little while grinning, but she still keeps the stern look. "Ok, I'm sorry. Why did you need me so much?"

"I wasn't the one. It was Thomas."

Thomas... Needs me?

"What did he say. Is it too late? Where is he? How is he? Why does he need me?..." I ramble on making her laugh wholeheartedly. Of course she should cause I'm acting like a nervous wreck.

"He isn't looking for you." She speaks after calming down. "And I'm guessing you haven't worked on your 'little crush'." She makes air quotes while i look at her flabbergasted.

"I'm out." Not being amused by her 'joke', I stand up and leave. What was she thinking? I almost got sick or maybe I am sick... Love sick.

?????'S POV

I stare at every inch of the 10 year-old rectangular box. Man did I mess up cause I miss her a whole lot. I open the box, finding the selfmade bracelet; the only jewelry I have always cherished. My guess now is that she must have burnt the one I made her because of my stupid actions. I groan putting the box on the table.

I'm a moron!

I log onto the computer and search for "Melissa..." Great! I still don't remember her name. I'm a real nibwit. I exit Google Chrome and bury my head in my hands, before some one knocks on the door. "Come in."

Olivia, my secretary, pops in. "Sir, it's time for the meeting."

"Thank you. I'll be there." I muffle through my hands, before hearing the door shut.

Put yourself together you can do this.
I get up and adjust my suit before heading to the conference room.


Time flew really fast, till I found myself heading home after today's work.

"Mel! Mel!" Mia runs up to me and rests her hand on my shoulder while panting. "You were going without me?" I shrug, still walking. "C'mon, it's not because of this morning, is it?"

"No. I'm angry at myself. It's just some stupid crush, why won't it go away?"

"Don't take it out on yourself. Who knows you might actually lo..."

"Do not!" I yell instantly.

"I'm sorry." She raises her hands up. "But there's something urgent I need to tell you."

"What?" I stop walking

"I have a date with James tomorrow after work." We both squeal.

"I'm coming over. We have to take care of your dress, hair, make up, shoes...'' she starts laughing.

"Jeez, you're really angry alright."

"Ha ha, very funny but it's been since forever since you two went out on a real date, so this should be important."

"I hope so. How's Thomas?"

"Didn't get to see him today, kinda a good thing."


"Now let's get to the mall for everything." I grin pulling her along with me.


It's the day of Mia's date and I'm filling for her since she needs time to prepare for it. I'm okay with working double since it's for a great cause.

"Dianna, are you listening?"

"Huh?" I'm brought back to reality by Thomas

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"You've been staring out of space."

"I'm just thinking of the possible outcome of the date."

"Seems important." He slums in the chair.

"Yeah, they're a great couple.
I hope I'll find someone great." He scoots closer and holds my hand making me a little nervous.

"Hey," he calls making me look him in the eye. "I know you'll find someone great." He squeezes my hand which makes me smile.


"No problem. Let's get to work, shall we?" He gets up raising me up with him.

"Yes, we shall." I return a genuine smile, as we head out of the staff room.

Looks like Mr anonymous and Dianna are both wrong.
They still cherish the bracelets. Isn't that sweet?  What exactly did he do?
Anyone got ideas??

Anyways, I'm sorry it's kind of short... Especially since I'm going back to school. Please bear with me and I'll love it if I at least get 200 reads and more votes.
Au revoir. Please do share. Thank you♥♥♥...

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