Chapter 17

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I hold his jacket tighter as it's wrapped round me while we walk down the road.

"Oh... So you really believe you can beat me in bowling now, don't you?" He asks amused while arching an eyebrow.

"With my eyes closed." I smirk, nurturing my newly found ego.

"Well, we'll see about that sweet cheeks." he replies with a smug look.

"Alright then, hotshot" I remark accepting his challenge.


Soon enough, we we're standing in front of my home as he stares at me for a while.

"What?" I ask, feeling a bit shy as I tug on the jacket keeping me warm while a smile forms on his lips.

"You're very beautiful." Ha!

"Uh... " I stutter, not really having any reply as he chuckles, making me blush.

Great, just great Dianna.

"And apparently, cute too." I groan as my cheeks turn a deeper shade of red.

"Blakeeee." I warn as he raises his hands in defense, laughing a bit.

"But on a totally different note, I had fun tonight. Thank you." he says, getting a bit serious as I smile.

"Same here." He looks at me for a while, with a debating look on before he moves closer and gives me a kiss on my cheek.

"Goodnight, sweet cheeks." he smiles.

"Goodnight... Hotshot." I reply as his smile widens. He turns around to leave as I tuck my hands into the pockets of the jacket before going in and closing the door with a dramatic sigh. I'm so stupid. With that thought, I head into my room.


I wake up to the usual sound of my alarm so i get into the shower and prepare for work.

"Ding!!!" The bell to the restaurant chimes as I walk in, heading right for the SR.

Mia is sitting casually on a couch checking her nails before she sees me "Finally!" She shakes her head.

"Hey! I'm not even late, it's just 8:25." I roll my eyes playfully, sitting beside her.

"Tell. Me. Everything." She squeals, bubbling as she waves her hand in the air earning an eye roll from me.

"Calm down, blondie." I tease shaking my head as she stares at me with her mouth open, before shutting it.

"You're so lucky you have something I want right now if not I'd make you regret that." She squints her eyes at me in a threatening manner making me laugh.

"You're an amazing actress." I reply as she bows her head and tips an invisible hat.

"Thank you, thank you. Now to the real deal." She lifts a perfectly carved eyebrow at me with a smirk on, as I huff.

"Fine..." I tell her everything; right from when we walked into the bowling alley till when we were at the front of my home with her as red as a tomato because she was trying not to interrupt me by squealing.


I'm about to open the door to the SR, when I hear two familiar voices and the word or in this case, the name 'Blake'. My body stiffens and although I know this isn't right, I set my ear close to the door to hear what they are saying.

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