Chapter 14

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"Take the phone now...." I run after Mia trying to hand her the phone .

"No. He's expecting your call so keep it." She replies still running around the table as I groan.

"I never said I'm going to call him. You're the one who called." I stop, glaring at her.

"Well if you aren't interested, you would've cut the call by now." She stops too, panting as it dawned on me how right she was.

I'm really stupid.

I cut the call right on time blocking out her loud noo.

"Ha! Jokes on you. I'm not interested Mia." She pouts, as I stick out my tongue.

"Liar, you know you also want to get rid of your so called 'crush' on Thomas." She gives me a smug look.

"Well jokes on you again cause I'm already over it." At that she makes the sound of a buzzer rejecting an auditioner. "Fine. You don't believe me? I'll call him just to prove you wrong." I search for his number.

Is it too late to retreat?

I slowly raise my thumb to click the dail icon, but a number appears on the screen immediately I tap the dail icon or in this case the answer icon.

I stare at the screen not speaking, as the name tag displays boldly in italics- Blake.


My expression probably gave away the situation because Mia grins wickedly at me causing me to mouth I'm going to kill you.

"Hello, is anyone there?" Blakes voice sounds through the speaker. Well, its now or never.

"Uh... Yeah. Its Dianna." I sit on the couch wincing as Mia scoots closer to me not the least affected by my death glare.

"Dianna Dian... Oh at the mall, right?" Shoot he really remembers.

"Yeah, how many Diannas do you know?"

"Well, I know a beautiful one, one with an enchanting voice and stunning appearance but it just sums up to one Dianna which is yours." my cheeks instantly turn pink.

Oh My God!

"Uhhh..." I go blank, not knowing what to reply as he chuckles at the other end.

"I'm hoping you bought the dress yesterday cause I don't think it could afford loosing you." You have got to be kidding me. Just how many compliments does he have to spare.

"Sorry but no, I didn't like it." I defend, lieing. If he thinks I'll buy his stupid complements, he's wrong... Ok, maybe except the first one...

"Ohh, well I'm slightly disappointed but it was totally your choice." At that, I nod.

At least he's being reasonable now.

"I should go." I say in attempt to cut the line.

"Why, am I bothering you?" Yes! I wish I could yell but I don't want to sound rude.

"I have things to do."

"Oh alright... Is there anyway I can see you again?"

"No, I don't think so. Bye" I cut the line quickly, glancing at Mia who has a frown on.

"Why'd you hang up on him?" She asks as I shrug.

"Didn't feel like talking." I put my phone in my pocket guarding it from her.

"If you ask me, I'd say you're trying to block him away. You're afraid you might like him." I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"No, I'm not." I defend, sounding like a whining child.

'Yes you are. You know he's handsome, charming and nice. You could probably like him more than you like Thomas.'
The voice at the back of my head says and even though it's true, I'm not admitting it.

"We both know the truth Mel." She laughs wickedly.

"I hate you." I retort.

"Love you too." She replies sweetly blowing me a kiss.


"Would you tell me again why we're heading to the restaurant?"
I ask adjusting the strap of my bag on my shoulder.

"Because Mel... We've been away a whole day and it'd be nice to just say hey." At that, I snort.

"Hey? You, Mia storm. Hey? There's something going on that you're not telling me but I'll figure it out myself." I retort, a bit suspicious.

"Why are you wearing the bracelet?" She asks like I'm not mad at her.

"Just felt like it." I reply with a shrug.

"Mel, do you honestly miss him?" she asks as I think back to the good times we had before he turned into a monster and went against me.

I clench my jaw in anger. "No, no I don't. I don't even know why I'm wearing the stupid bracelet, it just matches my outfit." I say trying not to get emotional, as Mia places her hand over my shoulder.

"Calm down okay, just breathe." I follow her words, breathing in deeply. "Forget it. He's not worth it." I nod swallowing the lump in my throat.

He's not worth it... Not anymore.

We walk through the doors, as the bell chimes. To be honest, I love when it does that; it sounds so adorable.

"Hey Dianna, Mia. You two done with catching up?" Thomas asks in all his glory standing in front of us, as we enter the SR. All at once, I'm reminded me of how and why I li... Have a crush on him.

Mia loops my arm with hers, noticing my lack of words. "Not quite. We just thought we'd stop by and say hey." Mia answers, smiling a little.

"Great." He replies looking at me. "It's obviously worth it cause you're looking great. The bracelet's a nice match." He compliments as I smile weakly.

"Thanks, you look great too." I reply which earns me a smile. Oh God.

You just flared when Mia brought up the bracelet. Why can't you flare up now? The voice in my head teases. Just wait till I can shut you up. Stupid...

"Thanks." He replies. Just then, Bailey rushes in.

"Oh my freaking posh! BLAKE is here. BLAKE is FREAKING HERE, as in CEO of Clark Company. It is totally freakish." Mia and I stare in utter shock as she keeps squealing and jumping wide eyed. The first time I hear her speak openly and she's not even talking but squealing. She sounds like a high school spoilt brat... No offense.

I glance at Thomas who is staring at her in utter amusement, as he tries to calm her down

"Ok Bailey, that's really freakish..." he says using her most occurring word. I chuckle inaudibly "... But you should calm down."

She shoots me a glare. Yikes! caught in the act, I've got nothing to loose since she already hates me.

"That's not even the most surprising part..." She luckily uses another word as I try to distract myself from Thomas's hand holding hers. "...the most surprising part is that he's not accepting anyone's service, except Dianna's."

My eyes widen at the new information and now it's my turn.
Tell me I just freakishly heard wrong.

Ha! Awwn isn't that nice. Let's see how far you'd be able to push him away Di.
Anyways, it's an honor to keep writing this and thank you to all those reading. I know I keep saying it but you honestly can't blame me.

What do you think? Is Dianna going to fall for the billionaire persistent Blake, or stay rooted with the charming gentlemanly Thomas?
Only one way to find out- keep reading.😉😏😝😊😋
Read,vote and share; I appreciate. Xoxo,

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