Chapter 19

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"Dianna." Blake calls for the umpteenth time, as I keep fidgeting. Did I mention I'm scared of heights? Probably not. It's been a really long time since I've been on a horse and right now, it feels like a deathtrap. "Take a deep breath and calm down." He soothes, trying to calm me down as I shake my head.

"I-i can't do this." He sighs in defeat, as his mood deflates.

"It's okay, I'll get you down." He attempts to smile though he fails miserably, which makes me feel awful. I've seen and heard a lot of quotes about facing your fears and from the look on his face, all I want to do right now is adhere to those quotes so I shake my head, signifying no.

His forehead creases as he becomes confused. "Let's go find something else to do." Once more, I shake my head as I smile a bit, while trying to stop my heart from beating so fast.

"I'm not leaving till we get to ride this horse." I stroke it's mane as it calms me down and before I know it, I'm smiling and my heart is beating at a normal pace.

"You sure?" He asks still uncertain which makes me flash him a sincere smile before nodding. He smiles as he notes how genuine my smile is. "Alright."

Without much effort, he hops onto the back of the horse finding his balance behind me.  He takes a hold of the reigns.

"If you're scared, you can hold onto my hand. I'll make sure to take it slow, alright?" He says calmly which makes my heart swell. He sounds like I'm some damsel in distress and he wants me to know I can always count on him to keep me safe- it was soothing. For a second, I curse boys and how much they probably don't know what they do to us ladies; especially the two I've found myself falling for even more whenever I spend time with them.

I nod in reply for him to know I heard him as I keep stroking the horse's mane to remain calm. He tugs on the reigns lightly, as the horse begins to trod lightly- it isn't as horrible as I thought it would be especially with the cool breeze blowing across my face.


Blake and I have been riding for atleast 10 minutes and I'm in a more comfortable position now- resting on him with my hands over his since I got tired of stroking the horse's fur.  Instead, I'm now relying on Blake's steady breathing to keep me calm. I can faintly hear his heartbeat which made our position even more comforting.

"So I guess you've never been on a horse before from your action earlier." He starts, in attempt to stir up a conversation.

"I actually have, but it's been long- like 13 years ago. My dad would always take us out during festive periods since he knew how much Debby and I loved riding horses and the ponytails whenever we went to the fair." I smile as I say.

"Debby?" He asks, though there's an edge to his tone.

"She's my sister. She's like my second half though she's in college now. I miss her a lot cause we have a lot in common and we're really close. We have our own studio back home where we compete in painting, while our parents act as the judges." I laugh a bit as I recall old memories. "At times when she comes back from college, she has infamous stories about the different kind of guys she has come across." I shake my head with a smile as he chuckles

"I'm guessing you're going to tell her about the kind of guy you came across recently." He says close to my ear referring to himself, as I shiver involuntarily.

I snort against my will and immediately cover my mouth, as my cheeks are most likely pink. "Sorry." I mutter in embarrassment as I feel him vibrate due to his laughter- I feel even more embarrassed.

"Don't be, It's cute." He remarks which makes me blush even more.

I'm such a wimp!


If I'm not mistaken, I'd say we've been riding for close to 2 hours and I'm guessing Blake's hands are cramping so also the cutie we're riding on.

"I think we should call it a ride." I yawn as I rest on Blake lazily.

"You sure?" He asks, which made my heart swell considering the fact that he still wants to ride with me.

"Yeah, your hands are probably cramping up. Here." I untangled his hands from the reigns making the horse come to a halt, as I start cracking and massaging them while he makes slight uneasy movements to confirm my suspicions. After a while, I let go of his hands as they lay on my lap. We stay silent for a while before he slowly wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my neck. Immediately, I feel tingles everywhere his skin makes contact with mine; it's a bit overwhelming that I don't want him to ever move.

He takes in a deep breath like he's trying to take in enough of my scent and that gives me a warm feeling- a feeling that maybe, just maybe even if I fall, I won't be falling alone.


The car comes to a stop, as I notice we're back at my place. After horse riding, we go to a restaurant to get some food before strolling for a while; though we goofed off all the time, all that matters was that we had fun.

Before I can open the door, Blake beats me to it as he flashes me a boyish smile that makes my heart melt.

"Thanks." I get out of the car, as he slams the door shut. We walk down the pathway till we get to the front of my home. "Thanks for today, you really helped with my boredom." I smile while he laughed a bit.

"I'm glad I could help and I'm also glad you agreed to grace me with your presence, sweet cheeks." I laugh remembering when he used that name on me the day we went bowling.

"The pleasure's all mine hotshot." I tease back as he laughs. Soon we fall into a comfortable silence as he takes a step forward before securing my face in his palms...

Is he going to kiss me, do I want him to kiss me, am I ready for this? Oh God, oh God, oh God!

His face is inches away from mine as he has a debating look, before he tilts his face upward and gives me a subtle kiss on my forehead. My face lightly heats up due to my thinking he would kiss me.  Of course he wouldn't, stupid thoughts!

"Good night, damsel." He says in a soft voice, his eyes filled with what I could reckon as- admiration? Nahh, I'm sure I'm just imagining again.

"Goodnight." I smile as I make my way to the door. I open it and step inside before looking at him as he walks towards his car. I watch him drive off, before finally closing the door with a smile spreading across my face.

Maybe, just maybe I won't kill Mia for this anymore. With that thought, I head to my room.

Lada ladidida. Well I had fun writing that. I'm hoping you guys love it too. Sooo it looks like Dianna's getting it worse for Blake; that's really cute.
Is it gonna be Tanna or Banna, keep reading to find out😘

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