Chapter 6

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I wake up to get ready for work as yesterday's memory replay in my head making me laugh.

I started waking up on my own by 7:30 and I think it's better than nothing. I put on some clothes before carrying my regular black bag.

I knock on mum's door. "Mum, I'm off."

"Ok honey. Have a great time."

"Mum, it's work." I shake my head although she couldn't see me and head downstairs. Now to begin the week...

"Hi rookie." Mia greets.

"Rookie?" I ask with an eyebrow raised.

"Sorry, Jay has been teaching me stuff." I shake my head.

"Howow you was you two's hang out?"

"It was great: we went to the park, cinema, got pizzas and more mo... Oh, I'm sorry. You must have had a weird day."

"Actually, no." I smile.

"Okayyy,  keep going." She urges.

"I went on a walk with Thomas." She winces. "What's wrong?"

"Are you sure Bailey was okay with that?"

"He said she wouldn't mind and he seized my phone, so I had to go so he could give it back.

"Awwwn." She starts poking me.

"Stop it!" I slap her hand away.

"So how was it?"

"He was goofing off all the time."

"Which you started."

"No, i didn't."

"Uh huh?"

"Yes, uh huh."

"You are so silly."

"A cute silly fellow?" I repeat what Thomas had asked me.

"What?" she asks totally confused.

"Nothing." I reply quickly.

We get to the restaurant and head straight to the staff room. It's kind of wierd that we don't catch up with the other staff there sometimes but they are normally late.

Luckily, no one is around so we have the place to ourselves.

"What's that song you showed me before? I'm guessing yoga?" she asks, dropping her bag.

"Yup. What about it?" I drop mine too.

"i kind of like it, sing it."

"I'll put it on for you" i pull out my phone.

"No, sing it."

"What, why? I can't sing."

"Because I want you to do the choreography too." I give her a questioning look and she bats her eyelashes.

"Fine." I drop my phone. "Do not make fun of me." I breath in and out.


I finish singing and dancing like she requested. I honestly don't know why I agreed.

"Nicee." She claps.

"Sure it was. Stop lying to me Mia." At least no one was around to see it.

"I don't think she's lying." That voice... Thomas? Please don't tell me he saw it.

"My voice and dancing together?" I shake my head chuckling while going to the corner where i dropped my bag.

"Was beautiful." That's weird. When did he get so close? I turn around to find him a few inches away.

"Even you are lying to me?" I roll my eyes. He takes one step closer and I take one back but he takes another one. I try moving back but hit the wall.

I. Am. Toast.

"Would I lie to you?" his asks, his face inches away and his breath tickling me. I open my mouth to talk but nothing comes out so i try again.

"Maybe." I manage, turning my face the other way.

"Guess again." He says, his breath fanning my face while he moves my face to look him in the eye. I could feel my heart beat like it was going to pop out any minute now while staring into his beautiful blue eyes.

"No?" I fidget.

"Correct." He says, not budging. I'm about to call his name but stop remembering the last time he heod me and only tightened his grip when I called his name. "Do not underestimate yourself ever again." He finally says after some minutes of silence.

I nod in reply not knowing what to say as he backs up and leaves.

What was that...?

I breathe out heavily. Was that about the singing and dancing or something else?

"What was that?" Mia asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I- i don't know." I sit on a sofa still shaken.


I leave the room and restaurant to get some air. I don't understand why I did that; she was being too silly. Her voice is beautiful and amazing just like her and her personality. I rub my forehead.

What are you thinking Thomas?

I kick the building with an angry groan before sitting on a bench. One minute we're laughing, goofing off, playing, talking and we just get tensed up. I don't get it. I could practically hear her heart beat in the SR and one part of me was hoping it was because of me and another part was hoping it wasn't, because if I fall for her I'm going to fall hard and it won't be healthy.

I sigh pinching the bridge of my nose. We're friends and nothing more. Besides, I'm with bailey. I breathe in and out numerous times before going back into the restaurant to work.


I walk into the SR after working, hoping dianna isn't here. I didn't take my usual break so I wouldn't see her.

I spot her at a corner with her back facing me. Mia is also there and pats her before leaving.

"Thomas?" She calls.

"Yeah, is there a problem?" I answer as she finally turns around walking towards me reeking of nervousness.

"I wanted to ask about what happened in the morning." She asks in front of me, playing with her fingers.

"Nothing. I was just telling you that you have a beautiful voice and dancing skills to match."

"It kind of fel..."

"It was nothing." I cut her off.

"I thought..." She starts.

"It was nothing!" I cut her off again, not wanting to think about it and she winces, the hurt visible on her face.

"I- I understand." She presses her lips together.

"We're friends, right?" I ask a little nervous, offering my hand. I keep asking this because I want to make sure this stupid feeling whatever it is, isn't messing up our friendship.

She pauses for a while still hurt. It seems like she's reminding herself of something before she suddenly smiles a little and shakes me. "Yeah we are, cute silly fellow."

"You are not meant to call me that every time." I argue after getting over my confusion.

"I think I am." She laughs, getting her bag and leaving.

"Miss, you get back here this instant. No one walks out on me." I go after her.

"There's a first time for everything, right?" I narrow my eyes at her playfully, making her laugh.

"You are getting on my nerves miss, you are getting on my nerves" I stress while poking her which made her laugh and yell while I laugh too.

Wow talk about stirring emotions.
Would Thomas be able to stop his growing emotion for Dianna?
Or will it still keep growing and destroy his and Bailey's relationship?
Keep reading♥...

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