Chapter 10

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                ?????'S POV

That girl at the party.
I was listening to everything being said. My mum and dad are in China for some business stuff, so I was alone.

I had a presentation and that's when I saw her; the brunette putting on a red evening gown with one long sleeve. She sat in a far corner with the people I'm guessing were family and friends.

For an odd reason, they looked familiar. Apart from some guy beside the blonde one but what do I know? It happens. If I didn't know that Thomas is Bailey's boyfriend, I would have thought they were dating from the way they were acting and playing.

"Sir!" My secretary more of yells.


"I was asking if you accept the deal with the S.Martins company." She repeats.

"Oh, yes." I pick up my pen and keep writing.

"Ok." She turns to leave but stops. "Sir, are you okay?"

"Yes, yes I am." She leaves still  unsure.

There must be a way to see her again; maybe she lives around here.


I lay on my bed thinking. Which is what I do almost every time nowadays. Everything from yesterday came flooding back- when he came over to our table, the balcony, how close he was and how I could smell his minty breath in the elevator when it seemed like he was going to kiss me.

I should have known he wouldn't and I'm glad he didn't because it would have made things worse than they already are. Not to mention, some guy I saw there kept staring at our table while presenting on stage which made me feel uncomfortable.

I get up from the bed. Thinking time is over. I take my phone with me while going downstairs to the studio. I flip on the light noting that some places are dusty since it hasn't been used for almost 5 months now.

I open the windows, before going to the easel and opening it to reveal a plain white drawing paper. I blow some dust away with my breath. Luckily, there isn't much.

I open one of the drawers, where pencils are while i glance at the second easel unleashing memories of  Debby and I having painting competitions. It was lots of fun since we normally ended up painting each other.

I finish putting on my apron after getting everything out to start painting.


I finish my work of a girl sitting down with brown hair and black highlights, in a green short dress, black ankle boots with a black and brown background.

I look at it from every angle trying to spot for any mistake. Satisfied with my work, I remove the apron before looking through the window. I sigh heavily, tired.

"Well someone's tired." Someone whispers in my ear, startling me. I almost fall towards the direction of the painting before I feel myself being held upright.

"Thomas?" I ask confused. Surely I must be dreaming.

"Yeah. Sorry,  I didn't mean to scare you." He answers, his hands still around me while I backed him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask my heart rate picking up.

"I wanted to see what you're up to and your parents said you were here so I came here." He responds easily.

"You've been here the whole time?"

"Nope. Just about 10 minutes." He turns to look at the picture, making me turn too since he still had his arms around me.

I wanted to move but remembered that he'll probably just hold on tighter. If he's teasing me, he's doing a great job. "You have a great talent." He whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"Thanks." He keeps holding me while I think of an excuse before I go entirely crazy and it comes to me. "Since you're a guest, why don't I get you something to drink?"

"Oh, Sure." He let's go which I'm glad for. Somewhat.

This, to him is probably hugging a friend but to me its not. I shake the thought out of my head and head to the kitchen.


"Bye, I'd love to come again 'Ben'." He and my dad share a fist bump. oh crummers! "Dianna." He looks at me. "It was nice being with you."

I sigh inaudibly. If only he knows what he's doing to me.

"And Mrs Michelle, lovely seeing you again. I'll be leaving now." He smiles and leaves while dad puts his hand in his pocket.

"Man, I love that kid." He goes upstairs and I groan.

"Don't worry honey. He's trying to convince himself that he's the same person he was in college without knowing he is."

"Whatever you say mum. I'll be in the studio." I kiss her cheek before going to the studio. Luckily, the painting had dried so i frame it up and put it in a drawer like the rest.

I'm extremely jobless and I'm guessing Mia is  with James, so I don't have anything else to do.

I start searching all my drawers to know if I'll find something interesting. Nothing at all from the first three drew my attention, so I open the last drawer to find a black rectangular box. I remember this box anywhere. It's a horrific reminder of 'him'.

I open it and the homemade bracelet is there. I'm pretty sure he would have burnt or thrown his away- the one i made him. I sigh as memories tried to re-surface.

I drop the box back not wanting the memories, before I lay on the bed and  stare at the ceiling till I drifted to sleep.

ALLELUYAH ALELLUYAH. I can finally scream and sing it!
After our mourning, he's risen :))


I know it's been long since I last updated but I still have school and things are getting tougher all the way. Let's just say senior secondary classes are not easy. Anyways...
I also know it's short and not good. Sorry about that- I'm just greasing my wheels but the next would be better♥...
Don't stop reading :)
This is for the Easter celebration.

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