chapter 27

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That's what this whole scenario is. The anger I managed to suppress, resurfaces as I recall how broken Dianna was when he pulled those stunts... Not once, not twice and definitely not three times either.

He has the guts to show his face around here like nothing ever happened? That's crappy even for a guy as rich and hot as he is.

I hear the sound of a car as I stand to check- yup, they're back. I'm not going to let him leave without getting some answers.

"Bye." Dianna says as I open the front door.

"Wait!" I yell, running down the stairs as they both stare at me in surprise.

"Debby, is everything alright?" Dianna asks with concern as I force a smile onto my face- a believable one, I hope.

"Yeah, everything's great." I reply as she nods, waving at Blake one last time before going into the house.

"So..." i start once I'm sure she's out of earshot. "How was today?" I ask with a smirk as I lean on the wound down window of the passenger's seat.

"Great. Thanks for calling on me." He smiles.

"Anytime. As long as you're not ditching her again." I arch an eyebrow with a sly smirk.

"Ditching her again? I don't... " He starts but I don't want to hear any of it.

"The jigs up Nicholas! For Christ's sake, what... " I yell before he shushs me hurriedly. "What are you doing here? The havoc you caused the first time wasn't enough? Maybe you just love to see her hurting... Well, mister, none of us in her family does. So you can get back to where you came from before this gets messy... What are you even doing?" I finish, finally catching my breath with a frown.

He rubs his temple in distress. "Look, Debby... " He starts again but I cut him off, not quite done with my rampage.

"How long do you think you can keep this up anyways? Till you get married or something? This is just wrong and you should be mature enough to know that now..." I continue but I'm cut off by a distressed-looking Blake/Nicholas.

What do I even call him?

"I'm sorry you had to find out yourself... I honestly wanted to tell you all but I knew none of you would want me back."

"So this is best way you could think of winning us back? By disguising yourself, making us love you... Then, boom! Hey, I'm Nicholas. Remember me? The guy who crushed Melissa back in the days." I say skeptically.

"I've always regretted what I did back then but whenever I thought of getting back to you all, all I could think of were the horrible things I did and how badly I would be rejected no matter how I tried. I came for a business party here and found Dianna... I didn't know at first because she has grown to become such a beautiful and wonderful woman. The first time I saw her, there was this strong feeling- I had already gotten deep before I found out it was her. I never planned this out and I'm here to make it work I promise. I'm sorry for what I did; it was really stupid and selfish on my part and I wasn't able to correct it then cause I was woken up early one morning and told we were moving... I never had the chance to apologize and I've been a coward throughout the years. Debby..." He calls after his explanation. "Debby please look at me." He pleads as I reluctantly do so.

"I love Dianna... I don't want to lose her. Please promise me you won't tell her- I want to tell her myself."

The look on his face is highly genuine and I surely do not want to be the one to cause Mel's sadness.

With a sigh, I agree. "Fine but it's not for you; it's for her." I say while walking back to the house.

"I'm sorry; I really am." he says again as I glance at him briefly.

"Goodnight, Blake." I shake my head slightly, before getting into the house.

It's going to be hard to keep this from Dianna...


Instead of heading home, I stop at a bar. Stepping in, there are a few people drowning their sorrows in the bottles of beer their holding. The only difference between me and them is that I'm awaiting my own sorrow.

I can't stop imagining how mad Dianna would be when I tell her I'm Nicholas... Things are about to get f**ked but I wasn't kidding when I said I love her and I can't stand the thought of losing her so no matter what it'll cost, I know it's best I tell her soon.


Once I take my last shot, I get up just to stagger and fall back on the chair.


I quickly pull out my phone from my pocket, dailing Sebastian, my chauffeur's number.

"Good evening, Mr starks." He greets, immediately picking up the call.

"Good evening." I reply, telling him where I am and to come pick me up in earnest.

"Yes, sir."

I cut the call and sit back on the stool as memories of Dianna and I keep springing up in my mind including those of when I hurt her.

Damn! I really messed up...

I remember the times we went to the park, how much fun we had without minding all the stares and glares we often got. But most importantly, the names we carved on all the swings and slides.

"Sir the car is here." Sebastian says as he gets to where I am which makes me nod in reply.

I get up, managing to walk towards where the car is parked with Sebastian in tow.

Awwwnnn... Let's see how this goes. Anyways, I have not more than 6/7 chapters left to write.
FMR is slowly coming to an end people... Keep reading though😉😉😘😁

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