Chapter 2

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock by 7am before going to work by 9am. Let's just say if I'm left on my own, i might wake up by 9am or even 10am. I don't have to worry about Mia because she's an early bird.

"Dianna honey, wake up. You have to get ready for work" mum yells at the other side of the door.

"I'm up mum. Thanks by the way"

"No problem. Be quick"

"Ok mum" i get into the bathroom, taking a shower before coming back out and wearing blue skinny jeans, a pink collar t-shirt, pink flats and a small blue carry over bag. I check the alarm clock which reads 7:50 am. How fast does time fly.


"Remember be nice" mum keeps telling me.

"Got it mum" I walk to the door.

"Put on a lovely smile"

"Ok mum" I open the door and head outside.

"You could find your one and only" she yells

"Mum, what does that have to do with anything?" I yell halfway, turning back.

"Just saying" she smiles.

"Bye mum" I stress, walking faster.

Could these people quit?

The restaurant isn't really far; a 15 minute walk and the time being 8:15, I think time's on my side.

I walk through the doors, causing a bell to ring.

"There's my employee. Punctuality check, although your friend beat you to it" the man from yesterday greets. I think I really need to know his name.

"Hiiiii" Mia yells in my ear making me shriek.

"Mia" i yell hitting her arm while she laughs

"Late much?" She asks

"What? It's 8:30 I'm not late"

"You are to me"

"I'm not"

"Are to"

"I'm..." I'm cut off by probably our boss, clearing his throat.

"Sorry" we both mumble.

"No problem. Let me show you around so you can settle."


"... And this is the kitchen where the food is made. You should know that by now. It would have been where you work but you chose to be the cashier." he refers to Mia.

"Ok, so do we wear aprons or something?" i ask.

Please say no, please say no...

"Of course, thank you for reminding me." He replies enthusiastically


He goes to what I suppose is his office and comes out handing us blue aprons which have 'hot and tasty' written on them in white cursive writing. "There you go and also these." He hands us badges which have 'trainee' on them.

"So what do we do now Mr..." I leave it hanging hoping he would tell us his  name

"Simeon. Mr Simeon, you could go mingle with the rest or look around but once it's 9 and you see a costumer, get to work immediately" he warns with a serious voice while leaving.

"Good going Mel"

"What did I do?" i ask confused

"Reminding him about this" she raises the apron

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