Chapter 16

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It's the 'tomorrow' and it's 4:30pm I'm dressed in a high waist jeans, crop top, trainers and a choker around my neck accompanied with a purse across my body; just as Mia picked out, telling me he'd drool as she styled my hair.

Mia's texting away, displaying different excited emotions so I know the person at the other end is James. I sigh staring at my phone as it clocks 4:31pm.

Why does time have to pass so slowly

"What's up with ya?" Mia looks at me and I shrug.

"I don't know, I'm just tired. I feel like staying up in my room all day." I reply as the bell rings immediately causing Mia to beam and rush towards the door. I trail behind her.

"Hey." She greets him excitedly as he smiles back politely.

"Hey." He stuffs his hands in the pockets of his jacket (leather, might I add). Since he has his attention on Mia I silently checked him out: from his normal hairdo to his plain shirt covered with the black leather, a pair of jeans and chucks.

I look back at his face to find him looking at me making me blush.

Again? Come on luck, where are you when I need you?

Right on cue Blake smirks, "Why hello to you too. You look beautiful, as always." I manage a smile though self-consciously.

"Thanks. You clean up good." I reply with my hand still on the door knob, as he arch an eyebrow.

"Are you sure? Cause the way you were checking me out says more than what you're stating." He teases as I purse my lips closing the door.

"One question Ego, which is better for you; 'Yeah cause you're incredibly hot' or 'because you're irresistible and I can't take my eyes off you?'" I ask with a sassy attitude as his expression portrays shock- he definitely didn't expect a sharp and matching reply.

Now it's my turn to smirk, "Thought as much, hot shot." I turn sharply, walking away in a sassy manner quite proud of myself. I've never matched anyone's ego before and doing so now got me really excited; this night is going to be something else.


I stand in front of a building with a beautiful sign enlightening people of the name.
Soon enough, Blake stands beside me finally catching up as he looked at me.

"You done staring sweet cheeks?"
He asks, his eyes still on me as I look at him. I feel my sassy side coming out.

"Why, do you want to be the bill board?" I smirk as he stares at me in amusement.

"Wow you're on fire today. Where have you been all my life?" He asks taking my hand while I laugh as he leads me into the building.


We both stand in front of a lane as I stare at the six pins at the far end with my lips twisted. After much thought, I shake my head turning around to leave deciding I can't do it.

I feel a hand around my arm preventing me from moving any further with tingles running up and down my arm. I stare at Blake who has a determined look on his face.

"I can't do it." I furrow my eyebrows.

"You can. I'll be here... All the way." He assures with a small smile.

"Bu..." I start in attempt to protest.

"But nothing Dianna." I stare at his determined, beautiful face sighing in defeat.

"Fine but if I'm not progressing, I'm leaving." He nods as a smile breaks out on his face causing a small one to make its way out my lips. "Let's get started, shall we?" I say enthusiastically as he chuckles.

"Yes we shall. So first focus and roll the ball. Aim for at least three pins." he states handing me the ball as I stare at the pins. It's now or never. I roll the ball as we watch in anticipation.

The ball moves to the side at the beginning making me cringe. As it approaches the pins it moves to the center a little and knocks out three pins. I squeal, jumping in excitement.

"Good start. It seems your problem is positioning of the ball to determine the side it'll stay on as it rolls." He explains.

"Alright then, so what?" I ask as he hands me another ball.

"Why don't you focus more on the ball going down the middle but don't forget the pins."

"I think I get it." I assure with a smile as he smiles back at me.

"Good." I focus on the position of the ball keenly as I let go of it.

It starts going down the middle making a smile spread out on my face but the smile slips away as it goes to the side missing all six pins.

"What the..." I gape at the already gone ball my mouth hitting the floor. "But..." I groan. "This is really annoying." Blake chuckles finding my reaction amusing.

"Here." He places the ball in my hands. "Let's try a different approach." He stands right behind me as my heart races.

"W-what are you doing?" I ask, cursing myself for stuttering.

"Teaching you." He breathes at the back of my ear making me stiffen. He wraps his hand around mine as I feel his warmth before positioning our hands. "Look straight ahead at high level. What do you see?" He asks breathing on the back of my ear again.

If he doesn't stop any moment now, I swear I'm going to pass out.

"The first pin." I reply surprised at how calm my voice is although I'm a wreck.

"Is the ball at the center now?" I tilt my head to the left and right, squinting a bit.

"I guess so." I reply again not really sure.

"Good." He says as he guides me, letting go of the ball carefully.

He doesn't move an inch or remove his hands from around mine as we watch the ball. I wouldn't lie; I feel warm and safe but he doesn't need to know that so I do the last thing I want to do.

"Blake... You can let go of me now." I offer after clearing my throat.

"I don't really want to." He rests his head on my shoulder as he wraps his arms around me making me sigh and for a change, I forget about everything- Mia leaving soon to the fact that I fell for someone who's in a relationship.

The ball hits the first pin as all the pins fall making a smile creep onto my face.

I guess luck's not on my side this time cause I'm in the arms of a guy who can easily capture my heart...

It's a wrap alright whew!
Tough luck for Dianna isn't it?
I bet a whole lot of you are jealous of her men streak.
It's ok, it's ok pretties. You have your own areas of luck.

On a totally different note, isn't Blake just a charmer: good looks, smooth tongue, persistent behavior and as long as the list can go.

Who is preferable for Dianna: Blake or Thomas? I'm really counting on your answers so please send me a message or comment. While on that, don't forget to keep in touch and vote.

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