chapter 18

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I sigh for the umpteenth time on one of the couches, as Mia lounges on another while we we're watching TV at home.

"What's your problem?" She asks finally deciding to speak up.

"I'm boreddddd." I groan as I slide from the couch to the floor for extra effect while she watches in amusement.

"Okay. What do you want to do?" She drops the remote while standing to stretch.

"That's the problem." I sigh in exasperation while pouting.  She purses her lips before rolling her eyes.  She stands from the couch with a sigh.

Before I'm able to say any other thing, Mia grabs my phone and leaves the room saying she'd be back soon. Something about her action doesn't sit in well with me but as long as she's going to help me with my boredom, I guess I can let it slide.

"Here." She says with a smile as she drops my phone back on the coffee table with a mischievous smile and it's now I really wish I had tagged along to know what she was up to.

"What did you do?" I ask eyeing her wearily which unfortunately doesn't wipe the smile off her face.

"Helped you with your boredom." she says proudly as she propped up her feet on the coffee table. "I advise you get into better clothes though." Oh boy,  she did something alright.

"Mia, what did you do?" I ask in a somewhat threatening manner which makes her sigh.

"Fine, I'll tell you. I invited Blake over to take you out. You happy now?" she says beaming as I stare at her like she has grown another head.

"You what?!!" I shriek in utter disbelief. "Why on earth did you do that?" I whine.

"If you really think I'll let you be single for at least 5 months after I'm married, then you're definitely mistaken." My mouth hangs open as I wish I can undo what she just did. "You're welcome though." She grins before winking at me.

Can someone please hand me a knife?

After staring at her for a while, I give up. "I'm definitely going to kill you for this." With that, I get off the couch and head upstairs to change. As much as I'm not ready for this, I don't want to look like an idiot. Who knows, maybe this could actually help with my boredom...


As I reach the last stair, the bell rings signifying Blake is here already.  Well, that was quick. Did he actually want to spend time with me? Maybe he's just doing it for Mia's sake or something. 

I approach the front door, to open it but not surprisingly, Mia beats me to it and starts talking to him. I adjust the strap of my bag as I swiftly check him out. His hair is in its usual place and he's wearings a v-neck top and dark Blue Jeans which makes him look even more breathtaking.

As soon as I look at his face, his eyes flicker towards my direction and I immediately look away though not missing the ghost of a smile on his lips. On instinct, Mia looks in my direction as she smiles.

"I guess she's ready." She steps aside as I approach them. "You two have fun alright." She bubbles winking at him which I unfortunately get to see.  I glare at her as she blows me a kiss and sashays to the living room.

What on Earth am I going to do with her?

I purse my lips as I look at Blake. "Uh, hey." I greet awkwardly as he has an amused look on his face. "Firstly, I apologize for being forced to take me out cause I know Mia can be coo-coo when she wants to." I state making a face to which he laughs.

"First of all, you look stunning." He complements which makes me bow my head in attempt to hide my blush. He places his index finger under my chin and lifts my face up so I look him in the eye. "And she didn't force me cause I want to spend time with you." I blush even more.

Get yourself together Dianna!

I clear my throat as I purse my lips in attempt to fight the blush that kept creeping up my face. He's really good with words. "Thanks." That's all I can say as he lets his hand drop to his side before stepping aside for me to go out.. Though I won't admit it out loud, I'm really looking forward to how today would turn out.


After a whole half an hour, the car finally comes to a halt as I eye Blake wearily. "Where are we?" I ask, which he only grins to; breathtakingly though- le sigh.

"You'll see." He replies briefly as he got out of the car and comes over to open the door for me, which I smile at.

"Thanks." He nods in reply before holding out his hand for me to take. I look at him quite uncertain, as he smiles.

"Just trust me. " The normal Dianna would squint her eyes at him, before getting back into the car and requesting to be taken back home but I guess maybe, just maybe I'm curious to know where he's taking me. So I place my hand in his and feel it again- the warmth I felt back at the bowling alley as his grip isn't too tight or loose; what it is though, is just right.

I look up at him, as I meet his familiar pair of blue eyes. Without any word,  he leads me to our destination.


I gasp at the sight before me, as a grin spreads out on my face in admiration of the horses that moved around neighing. I have a soft spot for horses; especially the white ones. How did he know?

"How'd you know I like horses?" I ask as he has a small smile on his face before he shrugs.

"Lucky guess." I smile at him for a while, before looking back at the horses as a white stallion comes into view. I grin even more (if that's even possible). I hear Blake's footsteps as he approaches me till he's closely behind me before bending a little to whisper in my ear "Do you want to take a ride?"

"I can't ride one." I manage to say through my treacherous heart rate's increase due of how close he is- not that I'm complaining or anything.

I did not just think that!

"I'll teach you." He replies before taking my hand swiftly leading me into the venue. I don't complain but follow him even though I'm taking a huge risk; not with the horses though- with my heart because every minute I spend with Blake, turns him out to be the kind of guy I've always dreamt of...

Yay! Another chapter completed. I'm so proud of myself; looks like Blake is turning out to be a sweetheart these days. Would he be able to get Diana's mind over her 'crush', or would he just cause her heart to be at war? Of course, keep reading to find out. 😘😘😘😋😀

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