Chapter 13

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The next day I wake up feeling more refreshed than usual, before noticing a small opening between the door and the frame as mums head pops up.

"Hey sweetie." I sit up rubbing my eyes.

"Hi." I find my phone checking the time which caused my eyes to bulge. I immediately jump out of bed. "Oh no no no. It's freaking 11am"

"Honey, I kind of know." She states a little confused, making me flare even more.

"Mummmm you should have at least woken me up." I whine with a sigh, before sitting on my bed. Mr Simeon isn't going to go easy on me for this.

"Eh, forget work." she waves me off. This must be a joke. Mum waving of on work, there's something definitely going on "... Because today's set aside for you and Mia to hang out." She raises her hands up for the wut wut effect which she's great at, but doesn't need to know.

"But I have to tell Mr Simeon first since he's my boss." I scramble around my wardrobe for clothes.

"Honey, I've told him already."

"Really?" I heave a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much. It's been so long since I've been away from work."

"I figured, so get some clothes on and get out of this house young lady." She smiles.

"Yes ma'm." She laughs leaving the room. Oh, how much I love her.

I finally find some casual clothes. I think the first thing that should be on our list is shopping because I don't have really nice clothes in my closet.

I close the door behind me as I got outside. "Hey there." I link my arm with Mia's as we start walking down the road.

"Hi. You sure look happier today, anything you're not telling me?" She quirks an eye brow with a smile easily letting me in on what she was asking.

"No, besides we're not meant to talk about stuffs like that. Let's take a trip down memory lane especially grade 9." she laughs agreeing with me.

That year, we agreed to act like some best friends we saw on television. I mean they could even go as far as sharing a tooth brush which we'd have loved to do, but with our parents lecturing us about having separate shampoos, which I don't think people aren't allowed to share, we decided we wouldn't share toothbrushes.

"So where do you think we should go first?" We both give each other 'the look' with our individual smirks, so I call on a cab to we head to the greatest mall we've know since forever. I have a feeling this is going to be great... Wait, let me rephrase that- 'this is going to be great!!!'.


It's been over two hours, and we're still here shopping away in our favorite mall.

"Mel, you should check this out. It's totally your size." Mia comes over with a gorgeous looking dress that's see through at the top, before having a glittery material hang tightly at the waist and flaring out mid thigh.

"Oh, no no no. That..." I point my finger at it. " not me. Also do you know how much that should cost? It's probably up to a thousand dollars."

"Well, look at it as one of my farewell presents." She grinned using her eyes to check the piece on me.

"I'll try it, but I won't buy it." I take the dress from her before entering the dressing room to put it on. I come out after wearing it, standing in front of Mia. "Sooo?" I turn around holding the end of the dress in courtesy.

"Just like I thought; it's amazing. You have got to get this dress." I turn around staring at my reflection in the mirror. Yes it's beautiful, but I'm not buying it cause it'll probably just rot in my wardrobe.

"I'm not buying it." I turn away from Mia, so as to go back into the dressing room. "I mean... It's not that great anyway." I look down at the dress.

"I think it's stunning on you." My voice hitched at the voice I heard. There was a guy or man behind me and the voice was... I don't know.

I look at Mia noticing her looking at something or someone taller than me. With all my courage, I turn around and my jaw immediately hits the ground. I mean, he's... Wow!

"Uh... Thanks." I reply short of words, feeling self conscious as he stands from his leaning position and stuffs his hands in his pocket.

"I'm Blake, CEO of the Clark company and this is my card incase you want to give me a call cause I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to give me your number." He out stretches his arm with his card, while I keep looking at it with no intention of collecting it.

"Uh... Sor..." I was about to reject it.

"... She means she would like that. She's Dianna, I'm Mia. Nice to meet you." Mia interjects, collecting the card from him, as I stare at her with a bewildered expression while she has a warm smile on her face.

What is she doing?

"Same here. Well, I have to go. I'll be expecting your call." He smiles showing a set of perfect white teeth, while looking at me before he leaves. Again... Wow!

Mia squeals, waking me from my trance. How loud could she be? If someone sees her they probably wouldn't guess she's getting married soon.

I cover her mouth. "Mia are you insane!?" I ask with a crazy look before she removes my hand from her mouth.

"I should be asking you that." She frowns a bit. "Didn't you see him? I mean I'm very satisfied with James and am clearly not interested, but you... Gosh Mel, open your eyes maybe he's the one to help you forget about Thomas and he's handsome to the bones... " I place my hand over her mouth again.

Okay yes, she's making a point but she's also being crazy.

"I'm not letting go until you promise to calm down and behave like a normal human being." She nods frantically causing me to shake my head. "Nope, not calm." She sighs nodding slowly causing me to let go.

"You must give him a call!" I roll my eyes putting the dress into the cart and walking ahead before I stop because Mia isn't following me.

I turn around to face a grinning Mia so I look around to see if there's another guy but I see no one. Why is she smiling like that? "What?!" I ask frustrated.

"The dress." She squeals a little causing me to give her an are-you-crazy look. "No I'm not crazy and after your whole whining, you put the dress in the cart." She announces feeling victorious walking towards me.

"So?" I ask nonchalantly.

"You considered what Blake said. Mel, you're definitely attracted to him." With that, she laughs taking the cart from me to the front desk.

Sometimes,  I wish I can zip up her mouth for life and this... is one of those times.

*Grins* no doubt I'm loving the way this book is going and I promise I've got a lot of ideas and suspense coming up.
A dashing Blake meets an amazing Dianna, what is going to happen?
Is Dianna going to forget all about Thomas or find out maybe what she has for Thomas is more than just a crush?

As usual read on to find out
PS: Check out my other book. I've got some things in it too.

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