chapter 30

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Dianna's broken and it hurts to see her the way she is. I was asleep in her room when she came back home six days ago, sobbing in a corner with her head in her hands while sitting on the floor. She told me what happened and sobbed even harder mentioning how she was a fool not to have known sooner. I hugged her tightly as she cried on my shoulder.

I'm going to kill Blake.

Once she told me, I sent a short text to him, knowing he'd obviously understand.

Fix it...

Ever since, she locks herself up in her room only leaving whenever she needs fresh air. She acts cool around us, her family, but we know she isn't okay in any way. She even asked for a break at work.

I want to help but I don't know how to and no matter how much I don't want to admit it, I know the person who can fix things at this point is Blake cause she is probably in love with him already.

I grab my bag, throwing it over my shoulder while heading out "I'm leaving- I'll be back in a while." I yell, leaving of the house.

I'm able to get to Blake though it takes a while and I get his home address. I hail a cab, telling the driver where to go.


On pressing the bell, a man dressed in security uniform comes out.

"Good afternoon. I'm here to see Blake Starks." I say to him as he speaks into a device before opening the gate for me. "Thank you."

I look around the building which is huge and beautiful. On getting to the door, I'm greeted by a middle aged woman who I believe is the house keeper.

"Good afternoon. I'm here to see Blake Starks." I repeat, as she smiles at me. "Of course. Right this way... " I follow her going through a lot of halls and climbing some stairs. We come across a wooden door as she stops. "This is his room." She says with a smile as I thank her before she leaves.

I breathe out deeply before knocking on the door.

For Dianna.

"Come in." I hear someone slur at the other end which does not sound like Blake in any way. I open the door anyways, carefully shutting it behind me. I look around not spotting him anywhere. On the other hand, the room is well furnished and large.

"Bar." He slurs again and I follow the voice instead.

"Shit!" I mutter under my breath, taking in the sight in front of me. He's shirtless, on the floor with about 7 bottles of various kinds of alcoholic drinks spread out around him. His hair is a mess as several strands were tangled. He looks sick as he hiccups- he's about to drink off another bottle but I snatched it. "What do you think you're doing?" I ask feeling sorry for him cause he looks a mess.

At least Dianna isn't the only one affected. He might even be more affected. They're both a mess.

"Drinking." He slurs in a duh tone as I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, I know that but aren't you meant to be getting a certain girl you love back?" I ask, clearing the bottles and slapping his hand away when he reaches for one.

He chuckles sadly, "She doesn't want me. She hates me- I've hurt her, I always hurt her. F**k, I'm an idiot." He drags his hair. "I would've protected them both." He mutters under his breath though I hear him and pause in  confusion. "I've called her like 100 times, sent like 50 voicemails, I went to the restaurant but she's on a break and I know if I come to the house, you all won't want me to see her. I'm a monster- a f**king troll." He says in disgust while holding his head in his hands.

I sigh. "What do you mean you'd have protected them both?" I ask.

"Back then, there was this girl: Chloe. She had something against Dianna. She always wanted me to join the cool kids but I never liked them and how they treated other kids so I always declined. It wasn't until Marianne joined in that she was able to get me to join them. She said they'd make Marianne's life a living hell and I couldn't let that happen but I shouldn't have left Dianna like that. The next week, I wanted to apologize cause I felt really bad and I knew I hurt her the week before but I couldn't cause we moved away so suddenly. I've regretted it ever since but I've been a coward. I know I've messed up but help me talk to her. Debby, I love her; I really do and I can't live everyday knowing I've hurt her beyond repair. Please help me get to her, I really am sorry." He finishes in a slur, each sentence punctuated by hiccups.

I bite my lips, looking him. "Look, I'll help you get to her but it's not for your sake. It's for hers cause I don't like seeing her like that." I say as his head snaps up.

"Really?" He asks sounding hopeful.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure how. Whenever I get an idea, I'll give you a call." I say as he nods. "Try to take care of yourself." I say before leaving.

Now to find a way to help these two out... It's definitely not going to be easy. And I know Dianna wouldn't want to see him... Wait! That's it! I know what to do.

I grin not minding how I must look like a maniac to people around.


I listen to the last voicemail he sent me. I tried, really tried not to listen to them but when I started, I couldn't stop and I ended up curled up in my bed with the phone on my ear while tears fell freely.

I hate him for making me feel this way.

I push the phone away from me as I rub my eyes and gwt myself ready to sleep but I hear a knock on my door.

I clear my throat so my voice doesn't sound croaked. "Come in." I say, laying still on the bed.

"Heya!" Debby greets, plopping on the bed with a grin which gets me suspicious.

"What?" I ask, sitting up a little.

"Relax, I just came to ask if you'd like to come with me to a party. It's a mask party and a friend of mine's brother's hosting it." she finishes, giving me a face.

"No. I'm not in the mood for parties." I say, laying back down.

"C'mon pleaseeee. Let's go for a party together before I leave. Pleasee Mel." She begs which makes me sigh.

"Fine. But you're getting me dressed." I say into the pillow, feeling sleepy.

"Okay, thanks" she chirps, kissing me on the cheek. "Good night." She walks towards the door

"Good night." I sigh before drifting off.

Blehh! Like 2/3 chapters lefttt... 😁😝

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