chapter 32

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I hadn't left- I couldn't leave his side since the accident happened four days ago. I did everything I had to do in the hospital and in his room since I told the nurse I'm his girlfriend. A few of his bruises are healing but he's still unconscious- I still can't see his beautiful pair of blue eyes gazing at me.

Debby has gone back to college but she makes it a duty to check on us everyday and to find out about Blake's health. Mum and dad come in once in a while too; reminding me to take care of myself and that he'll be okay.

Two days after the accident, his sister and parents came to check on him and they remembered me immediately. I was flattered they did and it took all my will not to cry. Marianne was especially bubbly and kept rambling about how much Blake kept talking about me back then. She, like her parents who apologized for the sudden move, also felt the need to apologize knowing he hurt me to keep her safe.

They left yesterday saying they know he's in good hands as long as I'm with him and he'll get through it. I realized those two days how much I missed them cause they were like family and were always there for me.

I rub my eyes, trying to drive the sleep away as I stare at Blake. I move closer to him, outlining his facial features from his eyebrows to his eyes, nose lips, jaw, ear then his hands.

I draw circles round his hands while staring at his face waiting for his eyes to flutter open like I've been hoping the past 4 days. "I'm sorry. I know you didn't mean to hurt me but I was mad- mad that maybe I wasn't as important to you as you were to me. I just- I was tired of being hurt. I'm really sorry." I apologize for the umpteenth time before I drift off, giving into unconsciousness.


I open my eyes but shut them immediately due to the brightness of the light. After a few minutes, I open them slowly adjusting to the brightness.

My head hurts and my whole body is throbbing. I'm about to groan when I notice my hands are entwined with someone else's... Dianna.

I smile unconsciously at how peaceful she looks and how beautiful she is though she looks a bit pale and like she has been crying.

My heart flutters knowing she might have been here all through the time I've been here.

God, I love her and I can't help it.

I trace patterns with my thumb on her hands as her eyes slowly flutter open and widen in surprise.

"Blake." She moves close as I 'try' to smile but fail and end up wincing instead.

"Don't move!" She scolds me with a disapproving look, "You're still in a very bad condition." She adds shaking her head.

"I'm so... " I start but she cut me off.

"Gosh, Blake shut up. I'm the one meant to apologize. If I didn't act like a bi... " She starts but I cut her off.

"You didn't act like anything. I made the mess in the beginning so I deserve this." I say with a slight smile.

"No one deserves to be hit Blake, not even you." She whispers as tears begin to form in her eyes.

"Hey hey, no. I'm okay now."

"I didn't know that before, I thought you'd die- you didn't hurt me enough to die on me." She finishes as a tear finally escapes her eye.

I struggle to sit up holding in the groans that threaten to come out while she tries pushing me back down.

"Come here Mel." I say as she comes closer. I wrap my arms around her as I feel her tears soaking my clothes. "I wouldn't die on you- I'm sure that's not what God wants." I soothe her as her crying turns into sobs.

I'm not going to leave again.


Dianna called the doctor to check on me and he told me it would take exactly four months for my broken ribs and bones to heal; the bruises are healing well and there isn't any internal bleeding. He also told me how lucky I am that my situation isn't worse.

Some time later, after Dianna summarized what happened the past four days I was unconscious, a nurse comes in with a tray of food and places it on a table.

"Your girlfriend's a keeper- she never left while you were unconscious. If I were you, I'd make sure to never let her go." She comments smiling at Dianna and I.

"Trust me, I'm never letting her go." I reply as I wink at an already blushing Dianna. The nurse laughs and walks off leaving Dianna and I alone.

I watch her as she plays with her fingers obviously nervous.

"Ahh." I fake a groan as her head snaps towards my direction before she squints noticing it's fake. "My hands hurt, can you feed me?" I ask innocently as she rolls her eyes at me. She sits at the middle of the bed, places the tray on her laps and starts feeding me after I manage to sit up.

I gulp the last of my food down as our eyes meet in an intense gaze. Without thinking, I reach out to caress her cheek and lean in to kiss her not missing the pain that jolted through my body- it's worth it.

After some time we pull away and her mouth hangs open as she stares at me still dazed.

"Can I tell you something I've never told anyone?" I ask still looking into her eyes as she nods absentmindedly. "I'm in love with you. I'm utterly and completely in love with you and I can't help it even if I tried." I say with a small smile while she stares at me, dumbfounded.

Without warning, she smashes her lips onto mine and we kiss passionately.

"Does that mean you love me too?" I ask sheepishly.

"Are you expecting me to say it back?" she asks, folding her arms.

"No?" I more of ask.

"Good. Cause I'm not admitting it anytime soon." She remarks pursing her lips which makes me grin.


Finally! Yeah, this chapter was short but I hope you all liked it😁😁

Check out my page for my second book. Muahhh

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