Wolves fight

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Michael was still close, I was starting to get nervous. My heart started beating fast as well. We were just looking into each others eyes. "Mi-Michael I need to pack." I whispered, looking at his lips. I'm getting really attracted by him. He didn't move.

"Yeah." He whispered back, still looking at me not letting go.

"But you have to let me go... So I can..." I mumbled.

"Right." He said, and let go really slowly. "RIGHT." He suddenly yelled. I flinched a little. "Sorry." He put my suitcase on my bed. "I'm going to  take out the clothes and you tell me pack or not, ok? So you can rest your leg." I nodded. He took shirts out and I said Yes or no. He showed me a shirt, I nodded so he threw it at me, I folded and packed. Then the pants and pajamas. I was folding my pajamas. "Wow, those are big glasses. Wait I can't see." I looked at him, he had one of my bras on his nose. I cracked up. "What's wrong?" He asked, not taking them off. I jumped on a leg up to him. I took my bra from his eyes, laughing. "What?" He asked.

"That's a bra Michael." I laughed.

"A what?" He asked confused. I put the bra on my boobs, on top of the shirt. "Wow that fits perfectly."

"Yeah. Because I use it for my breasts?" I said more like a question. He just looked at me, eyes wide open. I giggled again. "It's fine I do the rest." I said taking all my underwear. I put it in the suitcase. He picked up some shoes. I closed the suitcase and took my backpack, with my phone, keys, MacBook and the chargers. Oh and of course my mascara. We walked out and sat on the car. He drove us back to the woods. I took my phone: 36 messages & 47 missed calls

I opened the messages.

Kate: Did you get suspended?

Are you home?

I'm coming.

Why is your door locked???

Jade Rose Edwards, Why aren't you replying?  And what so ever. Luke send me almost the same thinks and Ashton and Calum didn't freak out that much.  I just send them all A text. I'll call you later.

The car stopped and I looked up. My jaw dropped. The house was huge and almost only out of windows. "Wow." I whispered. He took the suitcase in and came back. He opened my door and helped me out. We walked inside and I gasped.

"What?" He asked.

"This house is huge." I said. He then picked me up bridal way. I looked at him confused.

"To many stairs." He walked up a whole bunch of stairs. Once arrived in the room he put me down on the bed. "Make yourself comfortable." Michael said, smiling  a little and went downstairs. I smiled to myself, he's cute. Suddenly I saw a wolf coming into my room. The wolf was big and looked like it wanted to hurt me. It's not the same one from last night.

"M-Michael." The wolf approached me. I fell of the bed and dragged myself to the closest wall. "MICHAEL!" I shouted. The wolf jumped on me, but I didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes and Michael was pushing the wolf against a wall. The wolf pushed Michael and was about to attack. I took the strength I had and jumped in front of Michael. Suddenly I felt something, fluffy.  I looked at Michael and it was another wolf. The white wolf that helped me. I was shocked. The wolf or Michael or whoever it was attacked the other one. After fighting for a while, the brown one calmed down. All of a sudden, I couldn't believe my eyes. The white wolf turned into Michael, and the brown one, into a brown haired guy. They both were shirtless for some reason. I was shocked.

"What the hell are you doing?" Michael asked.

"What are you doing? Bringing a human to your house?" The guy said.

"Jacob, she's hurt. She needs my help. She's the little girl, remember?" Michael asked. I was so confused.

"Either way. Father wants to see you." The Jacob guy said.

"Just give me a second to explain to her." He said.  The guy nodded and left the room. Michael walked up to me. I dragged my body back a little. "Jade, I-"

"What are you?" I asked.

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