Chapter 3

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Title: Sacrifice

Relationship: Clarke and Lexa (Clexa)

Author: ArshuK

Beta: Thundering Ice

AN: Rejoice people, Clarke has now come to Polis meaning no more Bellamy Blake's presence.

Lexa walks out of the castle and onto the grounds. She stands there, lost in her own thoughts, when she hears footsteps behind her. The steps are heavy and loud which leads her to reasoning that they aren't a threat to her. Regardless, she looks at who it is from her periphery just to be sure.

"Norma, what brings you here?" She asks without turning around.

"Do you believe me now, Commander?"

"I do, but it is of no consequence."

"It is interesting you picked her as your wife, Commander. Of all the women in the lands to take..." She chimes in.

Lexa turns around and shoots her a deadly look.

"You will mind your tongue if you want to retain it. I chose her because of necessity. There is no other meaning in my action."

"Yes, Commander. I guess you just got lucky then. She is beautiful, after all."

Lexa sighs. She knows Norma is testing her patience, but she is in no mood for a fight today. So, she ignores her.

"How soon will you wed her, Commander?"

Lexa turns her back on Norma once again to hide the blush from her face, "Three nights time."

Norma smiles.

"The time of the full moon. Good choice. Maybe then-" she stops herself.

Lexa exhales a deep breath.

"Say whatever you have to say, Norma. You will not get the chance again."

"I have told you what the stars say, Commander. She will destroy you. The blonde beauty with a fire in her speech, in her heart, in her eyes. Fire that I am afraid will burn you, Commander. "

"Why do you ignore the other part of your prediction?" Lexa says, clenching and unclenching her jaws.

"Why are you ignoring the threat then?" Norma counters, respect forgotten.

"Because I believe in the first part." Lexa says softly.

"She has the fire, Norma. I believe her fire will light up ways for our people."

"You just wanted to avoid war again." Norma says distastefully.

Lexa dips her head.

"We would have won the war, but lost many lives. I could not afford that." Lexa speaks.

"You cannot protect them all, you know that." Norma says remorsefully.

"I know. But it is my duty - to protect them - so I shall."

"Three nights are not far away, Commander. I wish you well." Norma says and waits to be dismissed.

"Never try to question me in public, Norma. Indra will have your head for it." Lexa warns her.

"I know."

Lexa dips her head and dismisses her. The uneasiness fills her heart. She has barely spoken to her bride and is to wed her so soon. It all seems so rushed, even among her people who marry as soon as they find their match or as soon as their elders do for them. She feels this is wrong somehow, but there's no going back now. Lexa looks up at the castle and sees her walk by her window. Before the Sky Princess can have a chance to spot her, she quickly leaves her place of view.

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