Chapter 13

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Clarke watches with a small smirk as her naked wife submerges herself into the water. She watches Lexa as she grabs a hard rock, which she had gotten to know as grounder soap, and slowly, painfully slowly, pull her leg up with those talented fingers and start the slow torture...with the soap.

"This is not very productive my Heda." Clarke teasingly comments from her side.

Lexa ignores her and continues with her ministrations. She can feel her wife's glare at her, sense the darkening of her pupils without looking at her. A frustrated Clarke, this is going to be fun.

Clarke knows what Lexa is doing, but she is not going to give up. She is going to resist...God, when did those sinful fingers reach her thighs?

An audible gasp leaves Clarke's lips as the Commander's fingers inch a little higher. In response, Lexa just smirks but doesn't bother to look up, instead, focused on her task, moves to the other leg. Clarke bites her lips to bottle up the moans that are dying to escape her mouth. She will not let Lexa win this game.

Satisfied with her work, Lexa finally moves back and hears a whimper escape her wife's lips as she does. A chuckle escapes Lexa's throat as she moves her head to the rim of bathtub and stares unabashedly at her clearly aroused wife. They are on opposite sides of the tub, their knees touching. Their feet are caressing one another.

Clarke sneaks glances at Lexa's tattoo and chest; her body is nothing if not perfect, her armor does hide the muscle of her well. Smiling, Clarke thinks about one of the many reasons she has become so besotted by her wife - she is quite...delectable.

"I wouldn't call that as unproductive, Clarke. You are all cleaned up."

"I wouldn't be so sure, my love." Clarke rasps and enjoys as a shiver runs down her wife's body.

"Oh?" Lexa mutters lamely.

Clarke can feel the stickiness that has pooled between her legs but she is not going to let Lexa win this game.

She sees how Lexa eyes her up and down and how she gulps nervously. The internal battle Lexa is having is quite enjoyable for her. She sees her eyes darkening and her pupils dilating impossibly more. Ha!

Just to fuel things a bit more, Clarke sends her a seductive smile, and also leans against the rim of the tub, arching purposefully her back in the process. As a result her chest moves forward half above water, exposing the top of her breasts, and Lexa's eyes travel down from her face.

Clarke takes a moment to admire Lexa's pulse, pumping blood underneath her delicious skin. She loves her like this, relaxed yet bothered. To test her control a bit more, Clarke raises both her hands and starts to scrub her hair, exposing her chest a bit more and creating little ripples with her movements. Lexa watches and could swear she hears Clarke purr in approval as she massages her own scalp. She is so divine, like a goddess Lexa never knew she could reach. She can feel her body react, her muscles tightening. She takes a breath. She refocuses.

"Would you like some wine, Lexa?"

Lexa raises her eyebrows as Clarke picks up the pitcher of wine placed on the small wooden table by the side of the tub.

"I had Judith bring it for us." She answers Lexa's silent questions.

Lexa hums in approval. Wine is a liquid very far from her mind at the moment but she knows she needs to quench her dry throat if she wants to keep using her voice.

"Yes, please." She croaks, taking the goblet Clarke is handing her.

Lexa watches Clarke with unbridled want as the other girl brings her cup to her own lips. Lexa reciprocates the gesture.

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