Chapter 17

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Title: Sacrifice – Chapter 17

Relationship: Clarke and Lexa (Clexa)

Author: ArshuK

Beta: Lowiiie

 Previously (because do you actually remember what happened last?) : Lexa found Clarke in Bellamy's arms and misread the situation, however Clarke finally managed to clear all seeds of doubt from her wife's mind regarding her relationship with Bellamy and said her goodbyes to him. Meanwhile, Indra requests Lexa to take some action against the Mountain men and also enlighten the hedatu of the situation to which Lexa adamantly refuses. Lastly, Costia makes an appearance and has a conversation with the Fire Queen. Norma, telling her how she has lost Lexa forever.


Clarke, as usual, waits for Lexa to come to their shared chambers so she can cuddle into her wife's loving, safe arms and lull herself to sleep in that earthy scent that lingers on her. Just when she is becoming worried about her prolonged absence, the door of their room opens and the Commander walks in. A smile finds the Hedatu's face as she watches Lexa carefully shut the door and turn around towards her.

"Hello, Clarke." Lexa whispers as she makes her way towards her wife.

"Lexa. I am mad at Indra." Clarke deadpans with a pout.

"Why?" Lexa asks as she takes a seat next to the blonde on their bed, smiling at both her antics and what she just said. She clearly knows the answer but wants to hear from Clarke. She loves hearing this stuff from Clarke.

"Well, she stole my beautiful wife away from me after only a few dances."

"Clarke, I am sorry about that. I hope you didn't find yourself too bored there. I wouldn't have left if wasn't a matter of great importance. You know I would want nothing more than to be with you." Lexa caresses her wife's thigh with slow comforting circles.

Clarke sighed, taking Lexa's hand in hers, kissing it before letting go.

"I know, Lexa, I understand but it still sucks."

Lexa gets up from the bed and turns towards Clarke. She then gently takes Clarke's face in her hands and kisses her forehead softly.

"Thank you for your understanding, Clarke. I'll just go and get ready for bed." She whispers in her hair.

"Okay." Clarke replies as she watches Lexa exit towards the bath chambers.

Moments later, the Commander is back, dressed in her white trousers and nothing but a wrap around her chest. Clarke admires Lexa's back as she walks around the room to her side of the bed. She feels content as this beautiful woman lies beside her. She turns around to face her only to find the green eyes boring into hers. She feels like Lexa can read her soul. Clarke frowns at the distance between their bodies, and quickly throws her arm around Lexa's waist and pulls her towards herself to solve the problem. She giggles as she feels Lexa's lips blow air on her neck and kiss her there softly.

"What did Indra want, Lexa?"

Lexa hears the question from her wife and knows she can't answer her truthfully but she doesn't want to lie either. For months, she has successfully kept what is happening at the Mountain a secret from Clarke, keeping her safe from the fear of the Mountain, keeping her away from all the worry that Lexa shoulders. And so, instead of answering Clarke, Lexa thinks it wise to distract her.

"Did I tell you how ravishing you looked tonight, Hedatu?" Lexa seductively whispers against Clarke's neck, peppering sweet kisses along the pulse she can feel beat faster under her lips with each passing touches.

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