Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

AN: Get used to un-beta'd chapters now. I barely have time to write these days, let alone send over and find time again to post it. However, my awesome beta of 'Lost' Lowiee, has agreed to beta this story too. I will be sending her the unbeta'd chapters soon (when I get some time) so she can make the changes, where required. Till then, apologies for the mistakes you may find in the text.

It has been a month and a half since her wedding, and she has slowly come into the role as the hedatu of the 12 clans. She is revered with the greatest respect, the people have become hers and she rules with the honesty and strength she has received from Jake. Most of Lexa's generals respect her and her people love her. She has felt more powerful than she ever had even with her 100. She is looking out over the balcony, over her castle. The sun is setting. It is a beautiful sight.

"Enjoying the view Clarke?"

She turns. She makes eye contact with the intruder then turns back out towards the scenery, enjoying the moments of the sun so low and the colors it casts over the brilliant marble of her home.

"Can I help you ? I do think it is inappropriate for you to use such a

familiar title with me."

"Naw, it is only inappropriate if you send me to the stocks."

"Do not tempt me." She raises an eyebrow. "What do you want?"

"To have a friendly chat is all."

"You are a liar."

His eyes her, that infuriating smile sits comfortably on his features. The Stone clan's heda nods in approval towards his hedatu, she is feisty.

"Ok I have a true reason. I am here for...information."

She turns back to the balcony, the straw on the houses look brighter as the sun washes over them, almost as if they are more than simple roofs.

"What kind of information?"

"Oh you know...the kind that involves... privacy and usually a bedroom though not necessary?"

Her head whips back towards his direction and her eyes glow at him, he is heading into dangerous territories.

"What gives you the right to ask?"

"Well I was just wondering-"

"You will stop wondering immediately. What mywife and I do behind closed

doors is our business. I expect you and the rest of the clan leaders to stay out of it. Though I am not surprised you came to me with this."

Gwaine raises an eye brow at her.


"Yes, I am sure your lover Avina, the mighty Ice Queen, is very cross that you do not have more about my sexual life, or the lack of."

Gwaine looks down, a smile on his face. His eyes sneak up to peer at Clarke. After the first conversation Lexa had with Luna, that he very successfully eavesdropped, Lexa has stopped talking to anyone about her troubles with Clarke. Gwaine knew Lexa would quickly realize that she gave too much away with her conversation with Luna, and it was clear she was quickly reprimanding the situation.

As much as Gwaine loves Avina, he has never harbored any bad blood against Lexa, in fact he has always remained loyal to her. Falling for the Ice Queen also had not been in his plans, but he had. However, he would never compromise the peace that his heda had built even for Avina.

And he knows if Lexa does not bed Clarke soon it could cause trouble. Whenever the subject is brought up, the commander uses her cunning to steer the conversation into a different direction, even alluding to the fact that they had consummated their marriage, but never actually saying the words.

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