Chapter 12

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AN: Apologies to those of you who found this chapter missing earlier. It seems that I had deleted it by mistake.

Title: Sacrifice

Relationship: Clarke and Lexa (Clexa)

Author: ArshuK

Beta: Lowiiie

Chapter 12

"What do the branches around your name's tattoo signify, Lexa?"

Clarke hadn't had such a good night sleep in a long time. She had awoken to Lexa peppering kisses over her neck. She had thought in a moan, what a way to wake up.

She had sighed and cuddled back into Lexa's chest, more content than she had been in years. Lexa had started to rub her back, the intimacy running over her skin and seeping into her blood. Lexa has been running her fingers over her spine ever since.

Octavia had come up twice banging on the locked door. Lexa had just raised a hand and whispered "later" in a sharp tone and there had been suddenly no more sound coming in; Lexa would not spoil this time with her wife. She has waited for this moment for too long.

Clarke is drawing patterns with her fingertips on Lexa's breasts as she asks her questions. It is soothing to the young Commander. She closes her eyes for a moment, silent in response to Clarke's inquiry. Her mind runs back to years past, to a moment with her parents.

Lexa's parents had been sitting with her at the camp. The day of fighting had been long and hard. It had been the day she had had one of the most embarrassing conversations with her mother. It had been nothing extraordinary - her liking towards the same gender - but she had been shy about discussing it with her mother.

She remembers the smile on her mom's face as she had taken her daughter to a corner and had told her,

The woman you marry will be the most important woman to you Lexa...I know you have been a child about are too much like me and have not enough of your father...don't give me that look, I saw what you did when you were younger...hiding in alcoves with different girls...I hope that when you marry you will respect and love your new bride as much as I love your father...I know you still feel young but I hope that you will grow up enough to find love. I want the best for you my daughter and I cannot wait until you find a life partner.

Lexa's eyes water for a moment; the memory is tender...precious. Her parents dying had changed everything. Her being chosen for the Heda's Spirit had changed everything. Her parents did not get to see their daughter receive her bride on her wedding day. Lexa did not get a chance to have her father watch her get the Commander's tattoos.

Clarke looks up, her hand coming up to wipe at her wife's tears. Lexa opens her eyes to look at Clarke, desperate to say something...anything. They are so close now. They have reached beyond the levels of separation and have finally come together as one. Clarke does not say anything, just moves to sit up next to Lexa, her face hovering over her wife.

Clarke leans forward and kisses her, the tears running over her thumbs. Lexa's lips tremble, and Clarke smoothers her fingers over her jaw.

"You don't need to say anything Lexa. I know when someone is grieving a parent."

Lexa is suddenly reminded of their connection. This glorious much has she missed her parents in the past? Their union...her parents should have been there. The politics hadn't allowed Clarke's mother to attend the ceremony of their union and Lexa could read the pain of losing her father in Clarke's eyes.

"Why doesn't the pain stop?" Lexa whispers.

She is for the first time allowing herself to be weak in front of another human being. She truly understands the meaning of 'life partner' in this moment.

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