Chapter 16

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Title: Sacrifice

Relationship: Clarke and Lexa (Clexa)

Author: ArshuK

Beta: Lowiiie


Clarke recognizes the voice even before the owner of it makes an appearance. She would recognize that voice anywhere, under any circumstances. She had despised the voice, had feared the person that holds it for such a long time in the past. But now... now she has heard the voice moan her name in her ear, leaving whispered traces of love against her skin, has heard the voice defend her, has heard the voice making vows to her, has heard the voice wash away her nightmares. And now she was hearing the voice break, she was hearing the voice ooze with despair, she was hearing the voice screaming of betrayal.

While still being engulfed in the arms of Bellamy, Clarke watches the woman she loves, the woman she wants, the woman she desires, march towards her with a storm in her eyes and determination in her gait. Her mind is quick to analyze what position she is in and fear grips her heart. She forgets how to make her very limbs separate from the body that isn't the right height or broadness anymore.

To any onlooker, there is nothing innocent in the way she is wrapped around Bellamy; her ex-boyfriend. There is hardly anything she can say to defend herself and Bellamy if Lexa decides not to listen to her, and Clarke isn't really sure she will after this. While Clarke is still in shock and her brain is calculating the damage that this one moment has caused for her love life, Bellamy recovers and jumps away from her as if remaining in contact with her would burn him. Clarke is grateful for him separating himself from her. She wills her body to turn around and face her incoming, angry Commander...yes Commander, because there barely is any trace of the woman that would hold her at night, or of the woman that has cried while grieving her parents at this very moment. No, the one walking towards her is the Commander of 12 clans with a broken look, with haunted eyes, with betrayed faith. She stops directly in front of Clarke and Clarke only notices that she is accompanied by Indra when she feels Bellamy shift slightly back as the Commander's loyal warrior points the sharp blade of her sword in his direction. She is about to rip into his shirt and plunge the sword into the boy when Clarke finally manages to get control back over her body and her voice.

She pushes Bellamy behind her with urgency and stands in his place, leveling her wife's dark glare.. This action only infuriates the Commander further but the warrior seems torn as to what to do because she knows that her Heda cares for the Sky girl and one wrong move could cause her head.

"It's not what it looks like, Lexa!" Clarke's lips finally manage to open and move to form coherent words..

Indra quickly moves to one side as Lexa takes her place in one long step and stands right in front of her wife.

"Do you take me for a fool, Clarke of the Sky People?" Lexa angrily says through gritted teeth.

"No I-" Clarke stutters, shocked by the detached use of her name and the badly controlled anger simmering from her wife.

"What are you going to tell me, Clarke? That you weren't seeking comfort in the arms of another person. The person, you had feelings for.... havefeelings for? That you weren't betraying my trust? That you weren't lying when you told me you loved me?" Lexa is trembling from reining in her fury. Clarke can see her clench and unclench her fists to keep herself under control. Clarke is at a loss because that one single goodbye embrace has thrown a rock in the pond of their newfound yet still fragile trust. But Clarke knows that only person she did wrong by here is not the one she's facing right now. She already broke one heart today, she doesn't want to end the day breaking two more.

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