Chapter 11

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Title: Sacrifice

Relationship: Clarke and Lexa (Clexa)

Author: ArshuK

Beta: Lowiiie


Chapter 11

The next day Clarke retires ridiculously early, so early it is still light out. She did not even change into her nightdress. She just simply went to the room she shares with Lexa and dismissed Judith for the evening. Shooing Octavia was a little harder but she finally succeeded when she claimed a headache.

She swallows. Tonight she must do what is right, and tonight she must be strong. She has downed a glass of water the second she got to her room, her body is ready, but is her heart?

The door clinks, Lexa is coming.

"Heda, the only thing I am saying is that pardoning him is a sign of weakness!"

Indra and Lexa enter, arguing as usual. They stop when their eyes land on her, standing with her hands clasped in front of her.

"Clarke, hello."

Lexa says her name with surprise, reverence. She cannot believe Clarke is in their room so early. She must have miscalculated something.

"Lexa, Indra." Clarke greets politely.

"I thought you had more training tonight with the warriors." The Heda says cautiously.

The room suddenly feels very hot. Clarke is wearing a sinful burgundy shirt that goes down to her delicate wrists, her hair down and making a frame around her face. The square neck of her shirt is giving Lexa a delicious view of her cleavage...all the reasons she has avoided the blonde girl come to a boil, then they turn down to a simmer. She must remember her pledge.

"Indra, you are dismissed for the night. I need to speak with my wife."

The general looks to the Commander for confirmation. Lexa and Indra lock eyes. The darker woman is waiting for her leader to speak. The Heda of the 12 clans only gets as far as opening her mouth.

"Indra, as your Hedatu, I order you to leave." Clarke tries again, more commanding.

Both women turn to see Clarke's eyes burning darkly. The mighty warrior suddenly feels very uncomfortable.

"Of course Hedatu, pardon my interference. Good night, Heda, Hedatu." She says forcefully.

The sound of wood sliding into place signals that they are alone. Clarke propels over to the room entrance and latches onto the wooden lock. Lexa watches her make way to the door as she locks it. She cocks an eyebrow; Clarke is using her authority...and Lexa is...impressed, but the Sky Girl has rudely ordered her closest warrior to leave. Lexa can be harsh with her subordinates but she always has a reason. She thinks her wife should too. She cannot be in awe of her right now when she has crossed a line.

"What was that?"

"I needed to talk to you alone."

"You could have been civil."

She scoffs at Lexa. Civil?...Oh the irony.

"Is that what you are deciding to focus on tonight? My manners? Don't you care what I actually want to talk to you about?"

Lexa folds her arms over her chest. The clicking of Clarke's boots signals her approach. She is slowly advancing towards her wife, almost like a tiger getting ready to pounce on its prey.

"Yes, Indra is my most trusted warrior, not just some servant. I treat her better than that and have a lot of respect for her counsel."

"Well I will not apologize. You have put me in this position and I must fight back."

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