Chapter 18

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Previously: Lexa conducts a meeting with all her clan leaders regarding the Mountain and the threat it poses to them, but Clarke is kept in the dark. Avina , the Ice Queen, later finds Clarke and informs her of the meeting but rather than telling her about the Mountain sees her chance to plant seeds of doubt in Hedatu about Lexa's relationship with Costia; it being more than she had been told. When Lexa is confronted by her wife she gets to know that Costia has very strong feelings for her wife and this was the reason she was taken by the Ice Queen. She further gets to know that Lexa feels guilty for not being able to reciprocate those feelings after all Costia had been through for her.

Title: Sacrifice

Relationship: Clarke and Lexa (Clexa)

Author: ArshuK

Beta: Lowiiie

Chapter 18:

Disclaimer : Character death.

Clarke is sleeping peacefully in the security of her wife's loving arms when an incessant knocking on their bedroom door begins. Lexa is out of bed in an instant and puts her shirt and trousers on at light speed. Clarke has only managed to heave herself up to sit against the headboard of their bed when Lexa opens the door. Clarke can see the shadowed figure of Ryder standing in front of Lexa in the hallway. She rubs her eyes and yawns.

"What is the meaning of this?" Lexa all but snarls, clearly not pleased to have been woken up in such fashion and at such hour.

"I am sorry Heda for intruding but Hedatu is needed."

That gets Clarke's eyes to open fully. Wrapping furs around herself, she walks to the door hurriedly.

"What is it Ryder?"

Ryder looks from Lexa to Clarke and seeing the state of undress of his Hedatu, he casts his gaze downwards; he is well aware of the Commander's possessive and protective nature towards her wife.

"Raven of the Sky People has just arrived at the gates of Polis and is demanding your presence. She is...quite injured." He explains.


Clarke shrieks as she hears him vaguely speak of her friend's physical state. She barely bothers putting something decent on at Lexa's insistent request before she bolts out of the tower. She is running and doesn't slow down until she finally reaches the gates of her beloved city, all the while her wife running right behind her, calling out her name as well as shouting commands to her guards to follow her in case Clarke requires protection. Clarke only stops running when her eyes fall on Raven and she can't help but gasp at the sight. Raven is barely able to stand even with her full weight supported by the wall. Two guards are standing next to her, clearly not sure what to do with her. Not sure if she is a friend or a foe. Clarke clenches her fists hard and draws a deep breath in to stop herself from slapping both of them across their face or have them punished to wipe their disgusting face out of the Earth at their clear incompetency. At least in Clarke's eyes.

Clarke glares at the guards who have the clear mindedness to back away from her. She first approaches her friend slowly, trying to assess the damage but she can't see much under the night's sky. As soon as Clarke takes Raven in her arms though, the mechanic collapses in them and Clarke panics. It seems her friend's legs can no longer support her. Lexa quickly moves forward to try and take Raven's body off of her wife and onto her. But Clarke keeps her hands firmly around Raven's waist, carrying her best friend as close to her as possible. Lexa finds her wife's face white with fear, and panic swirling in her eyes as she feels the other girl's battered body.

"Raven, your leg!" Clarke exclaims as she finds blood oozing out of her friend's thigh at an alarming rate.

"Bullet...but you need to help them, Clarke." Raven manages to whisper these words before losing consciousness.

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