Chapter 1

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Title: Sacrifice

Relationship: Clarke and Lexa (Clexa)

Author: ArshuK

Beta: Thundering Ice


"You should be in the battlefield," Clarke whispers huskily as her small waist is encircled by his arms.

"You give the impression that we are in a battlefield." His breath warming up her face.

With a huge smile, she turns around to face him and entangles her fingers in his black hair while pulling his head to the crook of her neck.

"It will be soon. The grounders are very close to our camp."

He moves closer to her with his cheek touching hers. Both relishing in the contact.

He pulls his head back slightly, lower body still in contact, to look into her eyes. She feels butterflies in the pit of her stomach as she looks into those dark eyes that so full of passion.

"When we defeat the grounders, I am going to ask the Chancellor for your hand, Clarke."

"You don't need to do that," Clarke whispers.

"We both know we do. No matter how hard we try, we cannot live a life without the chancellor's blessings. Our people will not let us live happily otherwise."

Clarke pulls back and holds his hands in hers.

"How can you be so good about this? You know she would want me to marry for politics because according to her that's what leaders lives are. She won't let me marry you."

He smiles softly at her and tugs a strand of her hair behind her ear, "I know, but I will prove how powerful I am. How fit I am for you during the battle. I will destroy the grounders for you, Clarke. I will deliver the chancellor the grounder commander's head to be united with you."

Clarke is overwhelmed with emotions and pulls his face down to hers. He groans at the contact as the sinful lips passionately smudge kisses all over his face and finally land on his lips. He grips her waist tighter and Clarke can feel he wants more, desires more. She always has whenever they've shared these passionate moments but she is waiting. She wants her wedding night to be special ; she wants to follow her dad's beliefs, who according to her mom was old school. She wanted to follow her dad. She wanted to honor her traditions and morals. She had pledged herself that she would, on her father's death.

"Just a little more patience, my love. You will very soon have your way with me. You will have all of me- my body, my mind, my soul. I will be yours, I promise," Clarke whispers breathily as she creates some distance from him.

She watches as his eyes return to their normal size, and he composes himself.

"I should go now, Princess. My absence will be noticed, and you know how Kane can be. I hate the fact that he is the army chief, and I have to be his general aka his bitch."

"That temper of yours will get you in trouble. You know this is for the best. You are learning and soon will be competent enough to lead our armies," Clarke says encouragingly.

He moves closer to her one last time, brushes his lips against her cheek and moves back.

"See you later."

"Bye, Bellamy."

He grins as his feet lead him away from the chancellor's daughter's room.

He stands at the door and looks at her body, unabashedly up and down. Clarke reddens at the scrutiny and wears a question mark look on her face.

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