Chapter 14

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Title: Sacrifice

Relationship: Clarke and Lexa (Clexa)

Author: ArshuK

Beta: Lowiiie

Chapter 14:

"I lost..." Lexa says as she fires the last bullet of her gun and misses the target board completely.

The great Commander lowers the hand holding the weapon to her side and peers up at the clear blue of the sky. The clouds slowly move overhead, flowing seamlessly with a soft wind, secretly taunting the great leader. She sighs, her eyes close remembering something more pleasant than this moment, something closer to what her body desires. Apparently there will be no prize for her tonight,. She groans silently at the ground, cursing at her lack of prowess with the Sky People's automatic weapon, waiting for the inevitable smugness from Clarke's friend. If there is one thing Lexa has observed from the Skaikru, it is their incapability to have control over their behavior and what comes out of their mouth.

The mechanic, who had just won, watches as the Commander accepts her defeat and nods slightly at her. Raven wants to tease her but Lexa and her ended their little challenge with scores closes than she anticipated despite the fact that she had used the gun many times more than the Commander. And so she swallows her urge to do a victory dance and walks over to Lexa to shake her hand. Lexa looks at the offered hand dubitatively at first, not sure of the significance of such gesture. When Raven rolls her eyes at her while sighing and extends more insistently her hand in front of her, Lexa moves hers to grab Raven's forearm. Raven barely hesitates before grabbing onto the Commander's arm.

"That was a very good match Raven of the Sky People." Lexa says, giving a light squeeze before letting go.

The mechanic smiles, she had underestimated the Commander. She believed Lexa was nothing more than a grounder filled with ego and pride. Raven knows that Lexa has learned the strength of both allies and opponents, as well as their weaknesses. That day on the battlefield still haunts Raven at night. What she did not expect was for the Commander to parallel the use of the Sky People's weapon with her knowledge of her own weapons. The shots that she took were quite impressive.

"Yes, you as well. I thought you were going to beat me a few times." Raven says honestly.

"I was hoping I would. Nevertheless you seem to have out angled me in the end."

It was true, Lexa had only missed the last shot, though with quite a distance, but only one shot had made Raven victorious.

Lexa motions towards the bench and both women move to sit. The mechanic and the Commander look out into the training ground at all the warriors sparring around them.

Raven watches amusedly as Octavia teams up with Wick and Finn, and the three start sparing with Heda Gwaine. The man has taken on all of them, and he is moving majestically. It is beyond incredible the way the knight takes all three of them down at once.

Raven looks over to Lexa. The girl looks at her general in appreciation.

"Your general seems to be a magnificent swordsman. He moves elegantly with a blade."


Raven knits her eyebrows together and looks at the Commander, the woman still looking out into the field.


Lexa finally turns her head with a knowing smile, grinning like an absolute idiot.

"Oh I'm sorry, have you never spent time with Gwaine? She talks more than most women I know, more than your Skaikru women...and usually its mindless chatter and gossip."

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