Chapter 5

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Title: Sacrifice

Relationship: Clarke and Lexa (Clexa)

Author: ArshuK

Beta: FiaBlack


The walk down the aisle seems long, and she wonders if she will ever reach the end. She takes every second available to look at the decorations. It's dark and the candles line up till the end of the aisle. There are flowers everywhere. A flower fence has been made separating her and the Commander from the general public. It's admirable; the delicate work. She is walking on petals of roses and she can feel their softness as they touch her feet from the sides where her sandal has left her feet bare. The aroma is also intoxicating. All in all, it's just beautiful. She carefully looks up, trying her best to hide her emotions, at the people who have gathered. She is shocked to see the number that have turned up. She only sees heads as far as her sight wanders. And she can see because the whole place is lighting up, the tiny flames of all the candles illuminating the whole setting. Above her, there is a chandelier with little wicks lit up in a circle. She has no idea how the people managed to hang it over there but at present that is far from her concern. All of a sudden, she is feeling very nervous. She is standing in front of hundreds of people with all eyes on her. The Commander probably senses her discomfort as she slowly and gently rubs her thumb over Clarke's looped arm. For some reason, this gesture soothes Clarke a bit, reminding her that she is not alone. That she isn't the only one in the limelight, Lexa is there with her.

Finally Clarke is near the end of the walk. She sees a woman standing in front of them, dressed in half black and half white. Strangely enough, the dress does not look strange on her. Before Clarke can make any more observations, she feels Lexa's hold on her arm loosen and she is left standing on the left of the woman, who Clarke presumes will perform the ceremony. Clarke turns sideways and finds herself standing face-to-face with Lexa. As usual, Lexa's body radiates confidence and stoniness but Clarke knows where she will find emotions and sure enough, she finds the nervousness in Lexa's eyes. The green of Lexa's eyes looking lighter through the reflection of torch on them. However, those eyes are not looking at her, rather past her, towards her people. Clarke knows why she is doing that, she is trying to give Clarke as much space as she can offer her. She is trying to make this easy for her. Clarke wants to laugh a bitter laugh at the deception the Commander is trying to put her into. She can still feel a little pang of pain above her heart, at the tattoo.

Clarke's eyes then find the red shining pendant on Lexa's chest. It looks like burning embers with yellow light falling on it. She wonders what this symbolizes as she had learned over the time she spent with Lexa, nearly everything about her symbolizes one thing or the other. Then it clicks, the Commander's sash is red and so is this pendant. It surely has something to do with Lexa being the Commander.

Suddenly, the woman who is standing in between them, breaks the silence.

"Please hand me the amulet, Commander."

And the mystery is going to be solved, Clarke thought.

Lexa complies, taking off the amulet and hands it to the woman.

Clarke watches in amazement as woman melts the charm in some sort of liquid. Then she picks up two candles and covers the candles with the melted liquid.

"Please give me your hand, Commander."

Lexa again does as she's told. The woman takes out out a small pin from her dress and punctures a small hole in Lexa's palm, and extracts two drops of Lexa's blood on one of the candles. She does the same with Clarke picking up the other candle. Then she exchanges the candles and hands it to both the women.

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