One Shot

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Hey! So I this is a one shot I wrote a while back, but didn't publish. I'm publishing it for hedaCleksa Hope you all like it.

To be noted: Kane and Abby died in Mount Weather in this story.

Bellamy had left Clarke alone for about a month before finally deciding it was time to bring her back. If it was up to him, then he would've let the girl stay away from camp Jaha as long as she had wanted but the honest truth was that he was having a very difficult time leading his people. He couldn't help but notice the irony of the situation; when they had landed on Earth he hated Clarke for opposing him, his leadership and now he needed her to take up the leadership. He had tried, he really had, but the people who followed Kane and Abby hadn't been easy to handle after their respective deaths at mount Weather. Surprisingly, they didn't have a problem with his age rather they accused of him as being a criminal which was with no doubt a huge hypocrisy. He couldn't recall a single person not having had to commit a crime on Earth but no, this wasn't about the Earth. This was about him shooting the Chancellor to get a ticket for the drop ship. At least, these were the reasons people told him.

He, however, knew the real reason. They only trusted Clarke as their leader now. All of them knew what she had done to save them and as a result she had unknowingly gained their unflinching trust and loyalty. He would've been more than happy about this if it wasn't for the fact that he knew that there was so much more to Clarke than being a leader. She was his friend and had become like a sister to him. He cared for her a great deal.

Despite all this, he had to go and find Clarke and bring her back if he wanted to control the arkers who were desperate for revenge. They wanted the grounders to answer for their betrayal at Mt. Weather. Bellamy watched every night with sadness in his heart as her heard people speak heatedly against the grounders. It made it very hard to discriminate them from the grounders whom they had once called savages. But it looked like the grounders had a lot of impact on the arkers. There was '-jus drain jus draun -(blood for blood) written all over their face. He had tried to control the sentiment and inform them that survival was their utmost priority not revenge but had failed. Clarke was his last hope.

After a whole day of walking, Bellamy finally found the bunker where he was sure Clarke was residing in. He was about the open the door when he heard rustling of trees behind him. Pointing his gun in front of him, he turned around and spotted Clarke. He wouldn't have recognized her if it were not for her blonde hair. He quickly took in her appearance before greeting her; her hair was matted and disheveled as if not combed for days. Her shirt was torn from multiple places matching the condition of her pants. She had a few cuts and bruises on her flesh exposed off by her half sleeved shirt and her eyes were covered in dark circles. In short, she was a mess.

"Hello, Clarke." Bellamy finally managed to say. He heard how his voice sounded ; strained, forced.

"Bellamy? What are you doing here?" Clarke asked, disposing off the pleasantries.

"I am here to get you back to your people."


Bellamy told her about the situation in hand and was surprised when she agreed to come back without a lot of resistance. In fact, while Bellamy was still musing over this she got up and started walking towards camp Jaha.

"Wow,Clarke. We are not going there like this. You need to clean up yourself. Have you seen the state you are in?" Bellamy asked, saying the last part softly.

"Okay, let's clean up."

Bellamy again was taken aback with her quick agreement. It was like talking to a dead person,dead soul - he corrected himself. There was no spark left in her, no arguments, no life. This worried Bellamy but he didn't have time to fix his friend, he needed Clarke- the leader.

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