Chapter 8

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Title : Sacrifice

Relationship : Clarke and Lexa (Clexa)

Author : ArshuK

AN: This is a very short, unplanned, unbeta'd chapter. I hadn't intended to post a chapter any time soon, as college has been keeping me really busy, but I am because of all the messages and comments I have received wanting an update.

I request you all to kindly overlook the mistakes in the chapter, if you find them.

Anyway, enjoy:

Chapter 8:

For the following days, Clarke's mornings start with her training but by midday she, with Lexa , attends meetings with the clan leaders and is also present in sessions with the public in which they bring up their problems. It is quite exhilarating for her . She no longer needs to fight to have a say in the matters, she is expected to voice her opinions on each and every matter. Lexa will look at her, urging her to make decisions. She is fair, she is just. However, she is lenient when compared to the grounder ways. Lexa's generals had voiced their concerns regarding this but were turned down by the Commander. She was not ready to listen a word against her wife. However, these protests soon died when Clarke's decisions proved profitable. Lexa was caught looking at her left a few times, impressed with Clarke's decisions. She is not scared to make unpopular decisions, but relishes in the protection she can offer to Lexa's people. Lexa hopes she cares for them as much as they have come to love her. She looks down and smiles to the ground. She has chosen the right hedatu for her people. They were the perfect match; Lexa making the ruthless, cruel decisions and Clarke trying to decrease the ruthlessness and cruelness of her decisions.

"This meeting will continue tomorrow, my wife and I will retire for the day."

Lexa takes her hand in the most regal manner and leads her outside. A soft smile adorns Clarke's face. She looks so happy, so in touch with her true calling. Lexa hesitates, she has sworn to ignore her, to push away these feelings, but the smile does something to her and she asks before she can stop herself,

"Clarke, I know this is forward but will you like to see the gardens with me?"

Clarke looks up at her. She can see the sun lower, as it creates a soft glow around Lexa's face. She bites her lip, what could it hurt?

"I would like that, Lexa."

The sun is creating a magnificent twilight in the area. The soft reds, oranges and purples create a supple feeling of tranquility. Lexa still holds her hand as she walks with her. Clarke looks down at their joint limbs. Lexa's fingers are longer than hers, she can feel the callousness of her palm, surely from her endless training and her pushing herself to be self sufficient, the imperfections seem soothing to the young wife of the Commander.

They reach the end of the palace and stand in front of the back doors. Lexa nods at the guards standing at the doors and they comply to her orders and quickly open the huge doors. Clarke gasps and drops Lexa's hand as her fingers cover her mouth. The back side of the castle owns a magnificent garden. Inside the garden are the most beautiful flowers she has ever seen or heard of. Some part of her wonders whether this is because of the radiations but she doesn't pay much heed to the science behind it at the moment, as she tries to take them all in at once. All of the flowers are outlined with soft glitter on the petals, making them look enchanting. She goes to touch a flower she doesn't recognize, the white sparkles on the ends shine brightly against the twilight. She has never seen anything as stunning as the scene before her. She is so over joyed, so overwhelmed with emotions. She turns to Lexa , she has a rare genuine smile on her face, and she holds out her hand for her.

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