5.7K 113 11

Hello fellow DC clan members!

I am so sorry for the disappointment you are failing as you are reading this instead of a chapter. But I need you all to do something:

Kindly go on tumblr and search up mtv there. ( If you don't have an account then create one but you need to reblog some other stuff too, so mtv will not consider your vote as spam).From the mtv page reblog the post which has clexa as the best ship. The more notes, the more votes.

These awards will be given on screen, on mtv and so they are much more important than any in which clexa won in the past. At present, we are losing to "olicity" and we need to change that.

If you don't want to dig in deep to find it, go check my tumblr, I've been reblogging it since the past hour so you'll find it quite easily there.

(arshuk is my tumblr account's username)

As for sacrifice, I have been trying to write it but for some reason, I just can't write up to my satisfaction. Instead, I end up writing one shots...some of which I have posted on wattpad too.  It's in another book named as Clexa and Lostia one shots. If you feel like it, do check it out.

I promise, I am trying to work on sacrifice but the next chapter isn't easy to write and thus is taking way more time than it should've considering how much free time I have on my hands these days. 

Take care and vote,


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