Chapter 4

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Title: Sacrifice

Relationship: Clarke and Lexa (Clexa)

Author: ArshuK

(Not beta'd)

Lexa walks in the hall, where all her generals as well as hundreds of her warriors are present. They all stand up in respect and bow their heads as she passes them and stands at the end of the room, at a raised platform. Then she announces, her voice full of confidence, not wavering the slightest.

"Welcome, the heda of the Sky clan, Clarke of the Sky People!"

Clarke makes her way to where the commander is standing, Octavia walking behind her, her hand of the handle of her gun, ready to defend Clarke if necessary. But all eyes are on Clarke, watching her; judging her. She looks beautiful with her blond hair braided fashionably behind her head. The blue tunic that she wears, brings out her eyes and the white cloak over it only enhances its beauty. Her beauty. However, what she doesn't look is vulnerable or small. She has a defiant expression on her face, no smile gracing her lips, and her eyes look as sharp as the edges of cut glass. She looks regal. She looks powerful. She looks solid. She looks fierce. She looks respectable. She looks Clarke.

It clearly makes an impression on the grounders, as they gradually bow their head in respect at her as well when she passes. Lexa inwardly smiles. She loves this side of Clarke; gathering respect without really trying. She looks straight into the Sky Leader's eyes as she makes way towards her. She wants to avert her gaze because she feels like Clarke's eyes are looking into her soul. Looking into her deep but she doesn't have the power to move her eyes from the beautiful sight. She gulps the invisible lump in her throat.

Clarke ignores the grounders as she walks towards the Commander. However, she had heard the soft murmur that erupted when she entered the hall. She decides to not pay heed at them and rather looks into the eyes of the commander. She waits for Lexa to avert her eyes, but she doesn't and Clarke fails to do it either so she just looks into them. She is surprised to see so many emotions in the eyes of the Commander. Her body is as stoic as ever, her eyes however, betray her. It's clear to Clarke, that the Commander likes what she is seeing. She slightly smirks at the thought until she suddenly recalls the previous events. The embarrassing, mortifying, shameful events. She recalls how she had grabbed Lexa and kissed her like such a needy , desperate woman. She recalls how gentle Lexa had been with her. She recalls how she had left the Commander at the floor. She shakes her head lightly to come back to the present. Lexa is standing in front of her, looking dashing in her festival clothes. The black cloak suits her, makes her eyes look darker. A red slash is hanging diagonally across her cloak, showing her status.

Clarke approaches her, realizes that the platform is at a little higher level and gets ready to step up, when she finds a hand extended towards her. She does not hesitate to take it. There had been enough embarrassment for one night.

"Sky Princess."


She guides Clarke to stand on her left and Octavia stands behind her protectively after nodding Commander a greeting.

Lexa takes a step forward to address her people. "Today we are here for a celebration. The war with the Sky People has ended. My warriors, you fought bravely and have returned home safely. As many of you are aware, we have come back with a guest; Clarke of the Sky People. She will be my wife, my equal and your hedatu." Clarke feels a blush creeping on her face but she keeps on looking ahead.

Cheers erupt from the crowd when the Commander pauses. She raises her hand to quiet them and then continues,

"We lost our warriors to this war, they will always be remembered but today, I announce that the Sky People are our allies now. They are not to be harmed. And anyone who defies my command, will pay with their life." She says menacingly.

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