Part 30

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"Do you like her?" Stiles asked Theo.

"Yes, I do Stiles. I answered that already."

"She's too good for you."

"Yep you said that too." Theo sighed.

"If you hurt her I will kill you."

"Yes, you also said that." Theo smiled.

"Why are you talking about me as if I'm not right here?" I asked.

"I don't trust you." Stiles said to Theo.

"Still going to ignore me." I muttered annoyed.

"Would you believe me if I said all I want... All I've ever wanted is for you guys to trust me?" Theo asked.


"So you're here because you're never going to trust me."

"I'm here because of Kenzie. Glad we had this talk though."

"Oh now you'll stop ignoring me." I said.

"You know who you remind me of?"

"Theo, I don't care."

"My sister."

I could see the look on Stiles face. He looked at me through the driving mirror and I just shrugged.

"She was smarter than everyone too. And a pain in the ass like you. But she always looked out for me. The same way you look out for Kenzie. And Scott. And everyone in the pack. You know, I was the one that found her body. She'd fallen into the creek, broken her leg. They told us she would've been okay if it wasn't one of the coldest nights of the year. If it wasn't for the hypothermia. And when I found her, all I could think was that I should've known. That I should've been looking out for her. But now... I don't really know what happened to her." He looked at me. Stiles followed his look. "What do you mean?"

I sighed and told him the memory.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Stiles asked when I finished.

"We don't know what happened. The cause of death wasn't animal attack. I just think she fell in that creek when she was running away from somebody." I said.

"Even if you don't like me, Stiles. I'm going to be looking out for you the way I should have been looking out for her." Theo said and I smiled at him.

"I saw his teeth." Theo spoke and we both looked at him confused. "Donovan."

"He was a, uh.. Wendigo, wasn't he? That's the cannibal one, right?"

"It's a Algonquian native legend." I said. "The Ice Cannibal. If you ate human flesh you turned into a monster that constantly craved it."

"That's a pretty judgmental myth. What if it was the only way to survive?" Theo turned to me.

"People were so scared of turning into this creature that it was preferable to kill one's self rather than resort to cannibalism." I spoke again and both of them stared at me. "What? It was in the Bestiary."

"You ever hear of the Donner party? I'm pretty sure they didn't turn into Wendigos."

"Well, they didn't live in Beacon Hills." Stiles pointed out.

"True." Theo said. "So what's the punishment for killing a Chimera?"

"You spend five hours in the car with Theo Raeken."

"I like that punishment." I grinned.

"I know what my punishment is. I'm gonna lose my best friend. I'm gonna lose Scott." Stiles said. I squeezed his hand.

"You won't lose him. We will explain what happened. He will understand that it was self-defense."

"If Scott really gave up on you for some piece of crap like Donovan, then he wouldn't be a true alpha, would he?" Theo asked. I nodded.

"Or maybe that's the definition of one, someone who doesn't put up with murder." Stiles argued. I tilted my head. I didn't know whether to agree or not.

"It sound like you guys need to look up justifiable homicide."

"Did you seriously just say that to the son of a cop?"

"A werewolf's eyes are supposed to change color when you take an innocent life. Do these look blue to you? It was self-defense. For me and for you."

"Okay, but what if werewolf's eyes change because he feel guilty about it?" I said and looked at Stiles. "Think about it. Remember Derek and Paige? It wasn't his fault that she died but his eyes were blue. Because he felt guilty. Theo's didn't change because he didn't feel guilty about it." I spoke.

"So it's up to interpretation?"

I nodded.

"Okay. Then here's my interpretation of what happened with you and Donovan. Not guilty." Theo said.

"Stiles. How did you feel when it happened? Right when it happened. Did you feel bad? Because I'm sure I didn't." I looked at him.

"One word... Good." Stiles said. I exchanged looks with him and I slightly nodded. I heard Theo sniffing and I turned. "What is it?" I asked.

"A scent. Like smoke. Like something is burning."

I looked out of the window and I saw a flame coming towards us. It punched Theo sending blood spattering all over Stiles' face.

"Theo!" I screamed. He was gone. I tried to climb to the front seat but the car suddenly turned and I fell and hit my head.

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