Chapter 1

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Hey guys! Well this is my first ever time writing somthing on wattpad! Im pretty excited! I hope lots of people read it and comment and like and also follow me! Thank you guys! please read xxx


Chapter 1


"Finally, school is finnished" i said to my best friend, Lilly. " I know right" we got on our bus and headed to my house, Lilly practicly lived at my house, she was ALWAYS over and i was always over at hers! her house was like my second house too! We finnaly arrived at the closest bus stop to my house, it was about a 5 min walk to my house from the bus stop. We were walking up my street now just talking and laughing! Lilly points to the house next door to mine "hey, someone bought the house" " yeah, the Smiths wanted to move to Townsville, so they did, they left to go to Townsville last night, its a shame because i thought they were really nice" i sighed "i guess they were nice, i only met them once but they were nice to me! But who knows the new people that live their now might be even better!" "hmmmm " i mubbled. We finnaly got to my house i opened the door with my key because obviously mum and dad were not home. We walked in Lilly went upstaires and put music onnin my room while i went to the kitchen to get myself and Sarah somthing to eat, i got some cookies and fruit salad, i started walking upstairs when i heard a knock on the door "HOLD ON " i yelled from upstaires i put all the food on the bed where Lilly was lying " eat lady " i giggled " ill be back ill see who is at the door" i ran down stairs unlocked the door and looked up to be staring at amazing green eyes "hey there, me, my 2 brothers and mum moved next door today and i was playing footy with my idiot brother, Jai, and he kicked it over the fence and now it in your yard would you mind if you pass it back to us?" "of cource, ill just get it for you" i smiled and he did too i turned around and walked to the backyard door and i got his footy ball i closed the door and walked to the front door "this is it right? " "yes, thank you so much! oh and im Beau, Beau Brooks and did i mention u are very pretty and sweet, we should hang out sometime?" OMG i think i just melted!! i think i blushed a bit because he looked at my cheecks and giggled a bit "i would absolutly love to oh and im Isabella Erdil but i hate being called Isabella so please call me Bella" "ok well i hope we can hang out soon beautiful" and with that he winked and walked back and i waved and blushed like crazy i locked the door and ran up to sarah, obviously she was curious of why i was at the door for like 10 mins so i told her the whole story from start to finnish!


Thankyou guys for reading im sorry if their is any spelling mistakes, will be continued very soon thank you guys so much please like and comment xx

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