Ness x MotherFigure!Reader x Lucas

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It was a beautiful day so you decided to take a walk in the garden.

You sat down on a nearby bench just staring off into space when suddenly,

"____! Can you play hide-and-seek with me and Lucas?" Ness had shot you out of your wild thoughts, but you happily replied a simple, "sure!"
"Okay, you're it! You have to count to, hmm... 30!" Lucas over excitedly said.

You laughed at this. You have always gotten along with these two. They thought of you as their mother which didn't really bother you.

"Okay, go hide now!" I closed my eyes and started to count. I could here them squealing, which I thought was pretty adorable.

Once I reached 30, I opened my eyes. I looked around and saw that they actually went to hide this time. Before they would just stand there and looked confused to why you weren't counting out loud.

I got up and went to look in the bushes, weren't there. I looked in the trees, weren't there. I looked all around the smash mansion, still weren't there.

I was starting to get worried. They weren't this good at any game! What if Bowser or Wario or worse, Ganondorf took them! I looked around frantically, even outside the gates.

They still weren't there.

It was getting late outside and I knew very well that they didn't like being alone in dark. You opened the big doors to the Smash Mansion and looked everywhere. Some of the smashers gave me some weird looks, but shrugged it off.

There were only 2 places I haven't checked yet and those were, their shared room and my room. I quickly ran to their room. It was super quiet and dark.

I switched on the lights and there they were. Fast asleep. I sighed in relief. But how did they get here so quickly and un-noticed? I thought they were kidnapped!

I'll have to ask them tomorrow.

•~•~• <- (this means time skip)

I woke up the next morning at 9:00 am. Pretty early but I knew, Ness and Lucas would be up!

So I did my morning routine and put on my outfit and ran into the kitchen. I saw Ness and Lucas playing with their food.

I ran up to them and said, "good morning! How did you boys sleep last night?"
"We had a goodnight sleep mommy!" Lucas smiled. "Yeah! I had an awesome dream of you defeating everyone in battles like you always do mama!" Ness smiled too.

I flushed at his comment and scratched the back off my head. "Well, I wouldn't say all the time. But I need to ask you boys a very super important question." They stopped eating and looked at me with concerned and curious faces.

"What is it mommy?" Lucas asked.
"Well remember yesterday we played hide-and-seek?" They both nodded, "well how did you guys hide? I didn't find you at all yesterday and I finally found you when you boys went to bed."

They looked at each other and laughed. I didn't really get the joke here. This is a serious manner!

"Actually mama, we got some help." Ness said. "We got some help from, Pit and Pittoo!" Lucas explained.

I couldn't believe it! They cheated! They got help from Pit and Pittoo and I was very worried! I'll knock some sense into them later.

"Where did you guys hide in the first place? How did you even get them to agree? Where did you hide? But mostly, how did you get them to help?! Like come on really? Pittoo helping?" I questioned them like there was no tomorrow.

"Well here's how it happened." Lucas started but Ness finished it.

"Two days ago, we went looking for you to play hide-and-seek with us, but you were in a battle with Lucina so we went and we saw, Pit and Pittoo. We always knew you where good at hide-and-seek so we asked them for help, so they agreed. It took some convincing for Pittoo but he finally agreed. So when you closed your eyes and started to count they came down from the nearby trees, picked us up and put us on the roof of the mansion!"

I was in shock and anger. I was worried for good reasons now because what if they fell? Pit and Pittoo are so gettin' it later!

"Thank you boys. Now eat up! I have to go talk to Pit and Pittoo for a while." I said a bit angered, but good thing they didn't notice.

"Okay mommy! See you later!" Lucas smiled and waved. So did Ness.

I was off. Going to go find Pit and Pittoo.

"Pit?~ Pittoo?~ I need to have a word with you!~" I cooed.


I hoped you liked it! Remember I'm taking requests! For Females and Males!


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