Ike x Reader

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This was requested by Bloody-Wolf-83 ! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

"IIIIIIIIIke! I'm bored!" I whined. I was hanging off the edge of Ike's bed, why?, I don't know. I just am.

"Well get up and find something productive to do, like train, or go outside..." Ike was sitting down on his bed, sharpening his blade.

I pulled myself up and looked at his sword. "How do you even carry that thing anyway? It's so heavy and big!" Ike, not even glancing up, said, "I work out, which means my muscles are strong enough to carry this sword."

I kind of just looked at him with a very bored look on my face. "Wow, so dedicated to welding a sword... That's must've taken a BORING amount of time." I said, emphasizing the 'boring'.

"Well, I actually took time out of my life to weld this sword to protect my people and family, and the ones I care for..." Ike stopped fixing his sword and just looked at his reflection through its shine.

There was a bit of tension in the air. So I decided to break the silence, "you do you care for Ike? ... Do you have a crush on somebody~?"

I laughed at his face which was now turning red. I couldn't believe this, he was actually feeling vulnerable, especially to something so stupid for him!

"W-What? No... I don't have a "crush"... I think..." I stopped laughing. I looked at him dead in the eye. "Tell me who this person is!"

I crawled over to him until I was right in front of him. "Please tell me now!" Ike sighed and looked anywhere but my way. "No."

"Aw come on! Please! I promise not to tell anyone!" I stood up on my knees and clasped my hands together, begging.

"I knew you'd do this, ____... Maybe some other day." I whined and fell onto my back. "Wow, you take the fun out of everything..." Ike just chuckled and my stubbornness and jusy continued to mend his sword.

•~•~• _^Next Week^_

I was strolling around the huge mansion looking for something to do. Ugh, for a big cool house, this place is boring...
I wandered into one of the many hallways where Master Hand let people stay at. This was my hallway, shared with Ike, Peach, Fox, Toonie & Villager, Kirby, Pit, and Donkey Kong & Diddy Kong.

Since Ike and I's rooms are right beside each other, I decided to go visit him once again. It's been a week so, why not?

I kicked the door open and walked in. "Hi Ike, what's up?" I sat down on his bed, cross legged, and stared at him.

He was, yet again, fixing his sword. "The usual, fixing my sword." He grabbed out a polishing cloth and cleaned the blade.

"Uh-huh. Interesting... Hey, do you remember what I asked last time I was here?" Ike stopped polishing his sword and looked up at me.

I smiled and sat closer to him, "can you tell me who it is now?" He had a tint of blush on his face and looked away, going back to polishing his sword.

"I, um... Don't really want to..." I sighed and respected his privacy. I got up and walked towards the door whispering to myself, "I wish you could trust me more..." My hand was about to grab the the knob before I felt a strong hand grab onto my wrist and pull me back.

"Woah! Ike! W-What are you d-doing?" I was right up against his broad chest, I heard his heart beat fast. "____... I do trust you... I just wasn't sure if now was the right time..."

I looked up at him confused and was about to ask him what he was talking about when he pushed me back a little and leaned down and kissed my lips with explosive passion.

My eyes fluttered with shock and excitement. I kissed back just as much and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you, ____..." He said, not breaking the kiss. "I love you too, Ike..." I mumbled back.

We eventually backed up, do to the lack of air. He put one hand at the back of my head and put his forehead on mine.

"I was thinking you wouldn't return my feelings so, I got scared of the idea of telling you... But, I guess I'll never know the outcome unless I try."

I giggled up at him and smiled. "That's right Ike! I'm glad you told me, now I wanna tell everyone and show you off!"

His face went a bit red and I laughed. "I-Isn't that supposed to be what I say?" I nodded and shrugged my shoulders. "Whatever, you probably weren't gonna do it anyway."

He smirked down at me and quickly picked me up into his arms. I squeaked and laughed some more, "Oh, we'll see about that ____..!"


I'm sorry, I can't keep up! I'm on break until next Monday... But I got sad news next chapter.

Stay tuned I guess...

Next Chapter: Kirby x Reader x Meta Knight


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