Zero Suit Samus x Male!Neko!Reader x Palutena LEMON

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This chapter was requested by Atlasnuke5 ! Have fun reading this one~

*yawn* Another day, fighting at the Smash Mansion. I got up from bed and stretched. I looked at my clock and panicked. I slept in too late!

I went to my closet and got my usual attire. I raced out of my room and ran down the hallway. Master Hand was sure to kill me.

Samus's POV~~~

I lazily looked around for ____. I couldn't find him anywhere! I scratched the top of my head and continued my search.

I got to the kitchen and looked at the time. Hm... He should've been up by now. I shrugged and went to open the fridge. No sense in worrying, he's a weird guy, but, I guess I'll admit, I did like the guy in a romantic way...

I heard someone enter the kitchen and saw it was Palutena. She looked like she was looking for something. I sighed, unfortunately, I knew what she was looking for.

Let me just say, I wasn't the only one who liked ____. Palutena saw me and walked up to me. "Samus? Have you seen ____ anywhere? I can't find him." I just glared at her and looked for some food.

"No, I haven't seen him, yet. Why? Do you wanna stalk him, like usual?" Palutena looked offended and huffed. "Geez, Samus. I don't stalk him... Not all the time anyway..."

I snorted and looked at her, slamming the fridge shut.
"Look, Palutena. You stay away from him, ____ is mine. I've known him longer than you and I know more about him. So, please, make things easier and stay away. Don't make me whoop your ass."

Her eyes widened for a second, but then she just looked at me and smirked.
"Well then Samus. I'm sorry, but, I won't stay away from him. I may be a goddess that is supposed to be nice and share, but, this is the one thing I won't share."

I growled at her and we had a staring contest. I got tired of staring at her and started walking away, going to a battle arena. I stopped and thought about something. I tilted my head so I saw part of her. "Meet me at Final Destination. We'll settle this once and for all."

With that, I continued to walk away.

Palutena's POV~~~

Hm... Now this is going to be interesting. I wonder who will win... Ha! Who am I kidding, I'm going to win.

I walked in the direction she was walking and started to plan out my strategy.

____'s POV~~~

I finally got to the main hall and saw everyone gathered up. I looked around confused and tapped on Pit's shoulder. "Yo, Pit? What's going on?"

He looked around worriedly and said, "Lady Palutena and Samus are going to fight! We don't know what about, though. I'm just really scared Lady Palutena has gone mad!"

I was shocked for a moment. Why are they doing this? Two hot girls fighting. I bet over something. But over what?

I made my way to the front and saw they where getting ready. Samus wasn't in her suit, huh, strange. Palutena was just smiling and staring her down.

Super Smash Bros One-Shots {COMPLETED}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt