Human!Pikachu x Reader

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"Come on ____-chan! Please~?" Pikachu pouted cutely and held my hands. "For the last time, no! I don't wanna embarrass myself!"

Pikachu, oddly, and the rest of the Pokemon, and animal like creatures, were human for one week. I don't know why Master Hand even thought of this. Probably because of his crazy twin, Crazy Hand.

"But ____-chan! I think you look cute when you do it~!" Pikachu leaned in closer and asked once more time, "please?"

I sighed, I guess there was no way of getting out of this one.

"Okay Pikachu, b-but just this one last time!" Pikachu squealed and hugged me. "Yay! Thank you ____-chan!" I blushed and hugged him back. "Y-your welcome."

We broke from the hug and he dropped his head to eye level. I slowly leaned in and our noses rubbed up against each other's. I guess this was a way of how Pokemon kissed.

Pikachu mewled and actually kissed my lips without warning.

I gasped and quickly backed off.

"P-Pikachu! Wha-what the heck?!" He jumped up and down and hugged me tightly again. "Sorry ____-chan if you didn't like it... But I just couldn't resist doing it! You are just to cute~!"

I blushed and looked away. "Y-Yeah well... You can think that while I go get something to eat."
"Oooh! ____-chan, can I come with you, please? I would like to spend the entire day, or even week with you! Pleeeeeease?"

Pikachu went down on his knees and wrapped his arms around my knees, looking up at me.

Now wouldn't this look weird from a different angle?

"Okay, fine. You can come with me, but only if you don't try to kiss me on the lips again!" Pikachu gave me a pout, but nodded anyway.

He got up and walked behind me towards the kitchen.

When we got there, we saw Kirby at the fridge, about to make way with all the food. I gasped and ran towards him.

"Kirby! Me and Pikachu would like some food, please? We're both hungry!" Kirby just looked up at me and Pikachu, pondering.

"HIIIii." Kirby let us chose which food we wanted and we thanked him with big smiles and hugs.

"Thanks Kirby, see ya later." Me and Pikachu then left and headed outside. "____-chan? Why are we going outside?" "Because, it's a nice day outside and I think it'd be a nice idea to go outside and eat our food."
"Oooh! That's a good idea, ____-chan! Let's go!"

Pikachu grabbed my free hand and we ran towards the big doors and headed out to the most peaceful area, the flower garden.

"I think this would be a great place to eat! Don't you think so too, ____-chan?" I nodded my head smiled at the scenery.

The view was flowers making a huge circle around us, with a little entrance. There was a beautiful, big water fountain in the middle of it all and just completed the look. There were little flowers blossoming around the fountain, and four benches placed in the four directions. To top it all off, there were two huge Sakura trees providing shade.

"I just love this place so much Pika. Don't you?" Pika just nodded his head and said, "that's why I chose this spot ____-chan!" He led me to a bench and we sat on it, happily eating our food.

I looked to my left and saw Pika looking sad. I looked at him confusingly and asked, "Pika? Why do you look so down all of a sudden?"

Pika looked up at me, placed his food beside him and hugged me, tightly. I was shocked and dropped my food to the ground.

"I'm sad because... Once the week is over... I'll have to wait an entire year to become human again and... I'm just gonna miss being this close to you and stuff... I-I really like you ____-chan!"

My eyes widened and I tried looking at him. "Oh Pika... I had no idea you were this sad and had these feelings for me... I-I really l-like you t-too, but... I'm not sure if-"
"I realize that too ____-chan, but, you can take care of me and love me as if you're my owner when I turn into a Pokémon again, right? But when I'm human, I can... You can... Um... Actually love each other?"

I blushed and pulled back a bit to look at him straight in the eyes. "Y-Yeah... We could give it a try..." Pikachu smiled and I smiled back. He stared at me for the longest time and then eventually started leaning in closer and closer.

My eyelids started going down and I leaned up towards him. Our eyes fully closed when our lips came into contact. It was small but very gentle and sweet.
He placed one of his hands on my cheeks, cupping it, and another on my right hand to hold.

I grabbed onto his yellow sweater and pulled on it so our kiss would go on deeper. I could tell he was a little more surprised at my action, but paid little mind to it. He was enjoying this moment and that was that.

We had to break apart, due to the lack of air. Our lips lingered on each others for a bit more before we fully broke apart and looked into each other's eyes. His shining grey/black ones and my stunning (e/c) eyes.

He giggled and hugged me. "What's so funny Pika?" "You say that you're embarrassed rubbing noses with me, but you aren't embarrassed kissing me! You said no kissing your lips, but you let me anyway!"

I thought about what he said. "You know what Pika, I guess letting you kiss me,"

I leaned forward towards his lips.

"Wasn't such a bad thing,"

He leaned in again, closing his eyes.

"After all..."

And our lips locked in perfect sync like the last one, and let me just say, it felt amazing.

Short like the last one, I know. But I'm glad I got this one done.

But I really liked writing this, I think it's cute!
No matter if you're human and like someone older, younger, shorter, taller, a space creature, anime, anything in general! Just love who you love and don't be ashamed about it!

Next Chapter: Pokémon Trainer x Reader


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