Dark Pit x Reader

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This story was requested by KittyLove0110 so thank her! Okay on with the story and I'm super sorry this is late!
*Christmas Special*

"HIYAAAAA!" I was currently chasing Pit for taking my alarm clock and setting it up super early and SUPER loud.

So right now I just jumped on him and, awesomely, karate chopped his head.
"Owww! ____! That hurt!" He whines and rubs his head. "Well that's what you get for pulling that little prank of yours!"

I walked away and was walking back to my room. I looked down.
I wish Dark Pit was here. He's been so quiet and distant for a while now. Three months to be exact. (Means your thinking)

I sighed. Well if he's not coming to us, I'm going to him!
But just as I was gonna do that I bumped into someone. Which caused me to fall on my butt. "Owww." I rubbed my now sore bum.

"Watch it!" I heard an all to familiar voice say. I looked up and saw Dark Pit looked pissed. But when he looked down and saw me, he softened up a bit. "Um... I'm sorry ____! Here let me help you up." He extended his arm out and I grabbed it, him pulling me up in the process.

"It's okay Pittoo! I was actually about to go looking for you!" I smiled. He had a tiny blush on his face. "Y-You were? Oh... Well what is it? And I told you, That idiot Pit, and Plautena to stop calling me that!"

I giggled. "Whatever! Anyway... I was wondering why you are being so distant? Three months without actually having a conversation with you! What's going on?"

He gulped. "U-Umm. W-Well you see... Ugh! Okay here's the thing. I've been doing this... 'Project' and um it's been taking a while to complete." Ohhh. Hmm... I wonder what this 'project' is. I'm gonna ask!

"Hey Pittoo? Do you mind if I see what this 'project' is?" He instantly sook his head. "Not yet! I mean... No, it's not finished. I'll tell you it is okay?" I groaned but agreed.

"Great! I promise you'll be the first to know... Later." He then flew up in the air and left. "Aww~ I wanna know what it is!" I pouted. Oh well! I still get to see it when it's done!

I skipped happily along in the halls of the Smash Mansion. That's until I felt someone pull at my pant leg. "Hmm?" I looked back and saw Toon Link. "Oh hi Toon Link~ what's up?" "U-Umm Zelda wanted me to come and get you. She said she needed to talk to you about something."

I nodded and thanked him. "Thank you!" I ruffled up his hair. "H-Hey! Don't do that!" He whined. I laughed at his cuteness.


I knocked on Zelda's door, seeing if she was even here. But as soon as my hand landed on the door Zelda instantly opened it and pulled me inside.


"____!! What are you wearing and who are you taking to the Christmas dance?!" I was now confused.

"What Christmas dance?"

"*GASP* What do you mean 'what dance?!' ____, you were at the meeting when Master Hand called us down earlier today... Right?"

I thought about it.

"Hmm. No. I wasn't! I was probably taking a nap or something. What time did he call us down?" She sighed.

"4:00 am" was all she said. I gasped. "Oh No way!! I was sleeping! Well Pit turned my alarm clock on at 4:30... Maybe it was after the meeting."

She sighed yet again. "Well it's 8:30 now so we have eleven hours and thirty minutes until the dance starts so... I'm going to call Peach, Samus and Lady Palutena to help you get ready!"

Super Smash Bros One-Shots {COMPLETED}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt