Pit x Disordered!Reader

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"I-I c-can't d-do i-it P-P-Pit!" I closed my eyes tightly and clenched my fists.

My name is ____ ______, and I'm a skilled swordsmen, or well, woman, and I have a strong friendship with Pit. We have been friends ever since I could remember. We were both invited to Smash in Melee and stayed ever since. But, there is one problem, I have a...

Stuttering Disorder...

Since I was a kid I had this stuttering problem and this ruined a lot of things for me. I could hardly speck to anyone and for that, kids bullied me around just because they thought I was "different".

But Pit came into my life and saved me from the darkness consuming me. I was grateful and ever in his dept.

So now, in the present time, Pit was trying to help me speck normally, but lets face it, it's almost impossible to get ride of this disorder.

"Yes you can ____! You can do this! I believe in you!" Pit grabbed onto my shoulders and I flinched. I opened my eyes and looked up at him.

"O-Okay... I-I'll t-try..." He smiled at me and nodded. "Good. Now, try and say your name again."

"H-Hai!" My head jerked.

I took in a deep breath and let it out. "_-____." Tears formed in my eyes as I couldn't do it again.
"I-I'm s-so s-sorry P-P-Pit! I-I'm a-a f-failure!" Tears ran down my cheeks and into the air as I ran away from Pit.

"Wait! ____! Come back!" He was chasing me but, I knew I was faster. I turned a corner and ran into some one.

"O-Oh... I-I'm s-sorry..." I looked up and saw it was Ike. "It's okay ____. Why're you in such a rush?" I blushed and looked back at where Pit was, still running towards me.

"P-Pit w-was t-trying t-to h-help m-me w-with t-this c-curse a-and I-I w-was a-a f-failure!" I cried and shut my eyes tightly, balling my hands into fists.

Ike was taken aback from this situation. He rubbed the back of his neck and, awkwardly, tried to comfort me with a hug.

"Um... There, there. No need to be sad ____. You gave it your all and thats what counts." By that time, Pit finally caught up and tried to capture his breath.

Ike looked up at Pit and Pit looked down at me with a worried expression on his face. "Pit. I need to talk to you for a bit. Stay right here ____. I'll be right back."

I nodded my head and watched Pit and Ike round the corner.

Pit's POV~~~

"Pit, you got to know that this disorder can't go away. You can't fix it, as much as you practice, it just won't. I'm sorry Pit, but, what I'm saying is, don't get her hopes up." I balled my hands into fists and grit my teeth.

"No... No there has to be... She's been so happy to know that I can help her get ride of it... I can't break that promise..." Ike sighed and put a hand on my right shoulder. "I'm sorry Pit... There is no known cure for this communication disorder..."

"Well, I'll think of one!" I snapped at him before going around him and heading back to ____, who was now sniffling and looking straight at me.

"T-There i-is... N-No cu-cure?" My eyes widened and my mouth agape. What have I done..?

____'s POV~~~

"T-There i-is... N-No cu-cure?" Pit's eyes widened and his mouth agape.

"N-Not technically, but! I-I'll make sure I find one and help you no matter what! ____?!" I hugged him and cried a bit on his shoulder. "Tha-Thank y-you P-Pit..."

5 years later~~~

"Come on ____, say it! You like me!" Pit laughed at my flustered face. "Y-Yeah, so? Maybe I d-do!" I crossed my arms and Pit hugged me with much love.

"I'm glad if you do like me, ____. But I'm also glad that I helped you with you stuttering disorder..." I looked up at him with a smile. "Me t-too..."

He let go and tickled my sides. "Now say it! I wanna here it pleeeeease?" I laughed and laughed. "N-Never! Hahaha!" I hit the ground with my fist, and tears formed at the brim of my eyes.

"Aww, please?" He stopped and sat crossed legged, like a child would do. I giggled at his actions and sat in front of him, cross legged as well.

"Fine... I-I like y-you... F-Friend." Pit's face dropped into a frown almost instantly and his head hung low. "Aw Pit! I w-was just k-kidding!"

He looked up and tackled me so he was pinning me down on the field of flowers. "Then say it."

"I l-love you P-Pit... Very m-much." His face held happiness and shock. "D-Did you say, l-love?" I giggled and nodded. "Yeah! I love you Pit!"

My eyes widened and we both stared at each other. "You... You just said an entire sentence without stuttering!" Pit smiled widely.
"I-I know, awesome! I'm g-getting better!"

He leaned down and kissed my lips with full passion. I took no time in wasting and kissed him back.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put one hand at the back of my head to deepen the kiss, and his other hand on the ground for support.

We kissed like this for a minute or so before we broke apart for air. We both blushed and looked at each other with lots of love.

"I love you so much ____... I'll be by your side forever and always... You can always count on me to protect you in anyway possible... I'll be your light in the darkness..."

Maybe cheesy at the end, but, I liked it. I hope you guys do or did too!
Sorry if it's a bit short, I'm tired and such.

Next Chapter: Human!Pikachu x Reader


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