Corrin x Reader (pt. 1)

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This was requested by ThyUnknownXYZ101 ... Well this part since there was another request so... Just read and enjoy and sorry for taking forever...

"CHAAAAA!" Me and Corrin were both training with our dragon swords. But they were both different because we both don't transform into the same dragon.

We clashed and slashed with our powerful swords and flew back because of all the force. I stopped myself by stabbing my sword into the ground, stopping me abruptly.

My fangs were showing and my eyes were still (F/C) as always because of my dragons eyes.  I was looking up at him and blew my bangs out of my face.

He also looked up and looked impressed. "____, you've improved since the last time we fought." I smiled with my fangs showing and chuckled. "Well of course I have! I'm not goofing around eating chicken like Ike!"

Corrin sighed but smiled. Corrin was happy to be your teacher and help train you. Even though you could be a pain, it was all worth it to him.

"Now, now ____. Don't disrespect one of our great heroic kings." I sighed "fine, whatever you say," I smirked "Corrin-Sensei."

He looked at me with wide eyes and had his mouth hung open. I couldn't take it anymore, I laughed and fell to the floor, holding my stomach. "O-oh God! Hahahaha!" I flipped to my stomach and was hitting the floor with my hands, legs kicking the ground.

I guess you could say I looked like some creepy psycho.

"_-____! Don't call me that!" He stomped his foot and poured like a little child not getting the toy he wanted.

I stopped and looked at his face. Oh god, so cute and funny! My weakness! "HAHAHA! C-Corrin stop! Y-you're killing me with those looks! Hahaha!"

He walked up to me and looked down. His eyes were closed his mouth a little hung open thinking, this is my student? Geez...

After a while, which was about an hour, I finally calmed down and sat down against a tree. "Here." Corrin handed me a glass of water. I thanked him and gulped it all down. "Ahh~ thanks Corrin. That helped."

He blushed and looked away. "Yeah whatever... Hey listen, you're battle with Cloud is up in a few minutes so I would hurry up if I were you."

I instantly opened my eyes and panicked. "Oh right! I totally forgot!" I slapped my hands against my cheeks and got up. "Thanks for the reminder Corrin! Come and cheer me on okay?"

I walked up into the stage where the battle was going to take place. I heard people cheering for me and Cloud both.
I smiled and waved at them and Cloud... He just nodded.

We shook each other's hands and said good luck. We took or stances and waited for the announcer.





Me and Cloud both made a mad dash for each other. Our swords clashed and we stared at each other for a few seconds. We both repelled from the blow and flew backwards. He made his green wind slash with full force and almost hit me.

Luckily, I dodge that and charged up my blue electro ball. I didn't realize it but he was charging up his limit bar. I had to take action now or else I would lose. And I don't want to lose in front of Corrin...

I blasted my attack and it flew with full force and paralyzed him. This was my chance to damage him! I flung my sword down to the ground and flung myself towards him.

My feet were about to hit his chest until he grabbed ahold of me. Damn... The paralyzation didn't last long enough. I punched my a couple of times and then was about to take a swing at his sword until I let out a tiny electric ball.

"Damn..." I heard him whisper. I slashed at him with my sword multiple times and he flew farther away. He grabbed onto the edge and picked himself up.

But what I didn't realize was his limit was now full. Oh no! If he attacks me with full power... I'm doomed! Wait... Cloud ran up to me with full speed. "You're finished." I heard him say.

People watching us fight had wide eyes. Cloud used his upper limit and hit me. I didn't have time to react and counter and I almost flew off the stage.

I was tired and exhausted. Until, a miracle happened. The smash ball came onto the stage. This could be my lucky break! All I had to do was get that smash ball and win! But if I don't... No matter. I will do this!

I ran up and slashed at Cloud. He was surprised and flew back. This was my chance to get the smash ball! I used up a lot of my moves and got the power of the smash ball inside of me.

Cloud didn't have time to think what was going on and stared at me, wide-eyed. I used my special move and turned into my dragon. Instead of Corrin's water, mine was fire.

A fire ring went it's way around Cloud and flew him off the stage.

THE WINNER IS... ____!!

Everyone cheered my name and I happily waved back to them with two hands.

I looked at Cloud and patted his back. "You did good out there Cloud! Let's battle again sometime!" He blushed a bit and gently smiled. "Yeah... Let's." We shook hands and went our own way.

"CORRIN! DID YOU SEE THAT?!" I happily ran up to him arm hugged him from behind. "Y-yeah! You did amazing! All that training payed off, huh?" He turned around and hugged me properly.

I smiled and nodded, looking up at him. "Yup! I'm glad you're helping me out!"

I frowned a bit and asked, "are you okay? You seem sad." He blushed and sighed. "____... There's something I have to tell you..."

I tilted my head, being the dense person I am asked, "what is it?"

He took deep breath and crashed his lips onto mine. I blushed furiously but kissed him back. He broke apart, much to my disliking.

"____. I-I love you! You're so cute and an amazing person! You keep going no matter what it happening! That fight just proved it! I know you won't accept my feelings but... I love you so, so much..."

I felt like crying. "C-Corrin... I-I love you as well..." He looked down at my and had a huge smile on his face. "R-Really?! Thank you..."

He picked me up and headed towards his room...
That's it for PART ONE! I'm sorry for not updating, again. Exams are coming up and lots of final projects... But that will all soon be over and I'll be updating more often.

Next Chapter: Corrin x Reader (pt. 2 LEMON)


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