Robin x Reader

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Hello, I'm sorry but I FORGOT who requested this chapter. In fact, I forgot all the ones who requested on the A/N I posted.
I, stupidly, forgot to write down the people's usernames who requested the stories... UGH! I'm sorry.
If you could just comment saying something like, "oh! I requested (blank!)" that'd be helpful!
Stories vv
This one....................!
Pit x Reader x Dark Pit.....!
Pit x Disordered!Reader.....!
Human!Pikachu x Reader...!
Pokémon Trainer x Reader....!

Thank you! Enjoy this story!






"Someone's gonna have to do it."

"Not me."

"No way."

"Not a chance."

"No thank you."

I sighed. This has to happen, but, we're all to scared to do it. "Ladies, I'll propose something and whoever refuses and doesn't do what I'm about to propose, will have to do it." Zelda said.

We all looked at her and nodded our heads, indicating that she could continue.
"I propose that whoever can kiss Cloud on the lips or make him blush, however you want to make him blush, doesn't have to do it."

We all gasped. There was no way I'd do that. I didn't even like Cloud like that at all. Sure, he's cool but, he can be rude. Besides, I like somebody else already... But if I don't do it then I'll have to---

"I'd rather do that then... That." And everybody else agreed with Lucina, everybody but me.

"I can't do that guys... I'd rather do that thing then kiss Cloud or make Cloud blush." Everyone seemed to have sighed in relief. "Okay good, then it's settled. ____ will have to do it."

I blushed a very deep scarlet, well, it was better then kissing somebody I don't have feelings for or whatever. "Okay guys... I'll do it. I'll steal all of the boys' that we like, boxers!"

Before you go 'wtf is this?' on me, this was a dare set up by all the little boys that live in the Smash Mansion. We couldn't refuse cause, have you seen their cute little faces?! But then we decided behind their backs that only one of us should do it cause it would be more sneaky than seeing five girls doing something in the boys room. ((weird but, this is all I got >.<))

"Well ____, I wish you good luck, and a lot of it." Every one of them patted my shoulder and walked off giggling and whispering to each. I sighed, what amazing friends I have. I walked away from the girls hallway and started walking towards to boys.

Okay ____, deep breaths here... I shook my body and headed towards the closes of all of them, Link. I, quietly, entered his room and found him asleep... On the floor, snoring away. I sighed, what does Zelda see in him?

I tiptoed to his huge dresser of cloths. I, quickly and quietly, opened all of them until I reached the very bottom. Aha! I finally found what I came here for and ran away.
Next room... Mario. I opened the red door and didn't see anyone in here. But, I heard the shower running.

Gross, I don't want to run into him walking nude. Better do this quickly... I went to his dresser full of cloths and went to the bottom one. Yup, there they were. I grabbed one and exited the room, but not before hearing the knob to his bathroom click.

I looked left and right in the hallway, good, no boys. I ran farther down and went into Ike's room.
((Don't ask, I couldn't think of anybody else.))
I was about to open the door until I heard the door click.
OH SHOOT! HE'S HERE! Where to hide.?!
I found a tall plant and jumped behind it. I saw Ike come out from his room and look both ways, then eyeing the plant I was hiding behind.

Please don't look behind this plant! I don't wanna die of humiliation today! I saw him shrug his shoulders and leave.
Oh thank god... I, very quietly, snook into Ike's room and went to his dresser. I opened the bottom one and saw the boxers, and man, were they huge.
Must be his waist.

I left his room and looked to my right, okay one room left. I was quite sad since Lucina also liked Robin. But I'm determined to get him to notice me! Ha, notice me senpai.
Anyway, I walked to his room and opened it. I saw him asleep, like Link was, only he was only in his boxers.

I blushed like a mad man. This sight, this scent, so... Ugh! What am I thinking?! I have to complete this so I can get this over with!
I, oh so very quietly, tiptoed to his dresser and opened the bottom one. I saw his boxers and quickly grabbed one.

I tiptoed past him until he grabbed my ankle. I yelped and looked down at him, him looking into my (e/c) eyes. "____? What are you doing in my room? And why do you have all those boxers?" I sighed and sat down, blushing darker than before, if that was possible.

I explained the situation to him and all he did was nod his head at everything. Once I was done, I looked at the ground feeling shame. He now knew me and Lucina liked him and now he's going to tell me he likes Lucina and---

"____... I know we've been friends for a long time now and, yeah, I like you too. I-I just didn't know when to tell you." I looked up at him in shock, happiness, and love.
"Really? You do?" He laughed at me and leaned in closer to me. "Yeah, I do..." He held my chin and cupped my cheek. "I love you ____."
"I love you too Robin." We both kissed with passion. I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss.

We broke apart a minute later due to the need of air. We both panted and looked at each other straight in the eyes.
We stood up and hugged each other, until I remember something. "Um, Robin?" He hummed in response. "Do you mind putting on some cloths?" He instantly let go and blushed.
"O-Oh yeah, um, I'll change and then we can drop off the um... Boxers to your friends."

I laughed at him and left the room. I felt so happy right now, I just couldn't believe that he chose me over Lucina. Well, I am fabulous after all! I flipped my hair and started walking towards the living room with Robin since he finished changing.

"Hey guys, I got all the boxers... And I got myself a new boyfriend at that." They all looked in our direction and saw me and Robin hand-in-hand.
They all gushed at us and Lucina looked a bit sad, but, she was happy none the less.
"Aww~ so it finally happened did it?" They all laughed at our blushing faces.

I smirked and threw all the boxers in their faces "There you ladies are! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to wash my hands and then snuggle with Robin." Me and Robin left the room and laughed.

"Oh ____, I love so much." I poked his cheek and giggled. "I love you so much too, Robin."

Well, I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter! Next one I'll probably update very soon since I have nothing much to do all day!

Next Chapter: Pit x Reader x Dark Pit


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