Marth x Ike LEMON

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Okay... This is really weird for me... So bare with me in this weird journey of Marth and Ike! Btw... The picture makes them look too innocent to be doing naughty things to each other! Gamergeek2748

Marth's POV

I woke up and yawned. Yet another day going to be spent smashing other people. I got up and got dressed and made my way to the cafeteria.

When I got there I saw Ike, Roy and Robin. Lucina was probably talking with ____ or something. "Hi Marth!!" Roy yelled. I smiled at him "Good morning Roy. I take it you slept well?"

He nodded. "Yup, I sure did!" I sat beside Ike because there was only aloud two people to a side. I greeted Ike with a sweet smile. "Good morning Ike! How are you today?" Ike took a look at me and nodded his head. "I'm fine, thanks for asking."

"Yesh Ike, learn to be more happy!" Robin sighed. Me and Roy chuckled at his words which caused Ike to blush in embarrassment. Which made us laugh.

"Oh man, Ike! You should see the look on your face! It's priceless!" Roy laughed so hard he fell to the floor holding his stomach.

Ike growled at him and turned to me with a pout. I was gasping for air until I saw that look. It made me red to the face, not from laughing but... I don't know.

"Really guys..? You know I'm not that kind of person." Ike stated going back to eating his chicken. I looked up at him and chuckled. "Yeah... Not anymore at least."

There was a moment of silence until Lucina and ____ came into the room. "Hey guys!" They both greeted. "Hi!" All four of us said back. Robin went up to Lucina and hugged her. "Hello there..." Lucina blushed and hugged back. "Hi..."

Roy and ____ just gagged at this. Roy then slung his arm around her shoulders and smirked. "So, what's a pretty little girl like yourself doing here?" ____ blushed and coughed.

"We are here because Master Hand is letting us have a party tonight to celebrate the tournament that ended yesterday." She said.

I smiled. "That sounds lovely! What time is it at?" She thought for a moment and looked at Lucina. "What time is it again?" "It's at 8:00."

Me, Ike, Roy and Robin nodded our heads. "Okay ladies, we'll see you there!" I said. "Bye!" We said. "Call me ____!" Roy shouted.

We sweatdropped. "Anyway, me and Roy have stuff to do if we are going to look good for this party tonight. So see you later guys." Robin said and left the cafeteria with Roy.

It was all quiet and awkward between us. But for some reason I got some weird feeling inside me just being alone with Ike. I feel butterflies in my stomach and I feel blood rushing to my cheeks.

I didn't notice Ike looking at me in a confused manner. He wasn't sure if I was sick or something. He turned his body around to face me and put his hand on my forehead.

"Are you okay Marth? You don't look so good." I blushed even harder. "Y-Yeah... I'm fine." He didn't look pleased. "Are you sure? You're getting more red. Are you up for the party tonight?" He said while leaning closer to my face.

"Y-Yeah! Totally fine! G-Great! Um... I-I'll see you later!" I got up quickly and ran towards my room and locked it. While Ike just sat there, confused.

Ike's POV

I looked at Marth running towards his room looking flustered. I wonder why... It started to happen when I put my hand on his forehead... Oh well. I got up and walked to my room.

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