Imagine #1 You get hate

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First imagine! I hope it's good. I re-read it like 17 million times just to make sure it was okay.  I hope it is!! Comment what you think! No hate please thanks. :)

                                                                                                        ~ Maria :) xoxo

'Hey babe, meet me in the park in 15. Such a nice day. I wanna take a walk :) - Niall xx

'Hey, on my way. Love u xoxo.'

15 minutes, that's it? You threw your hair into a messy bun. You put on a pink tank top, jean shorts, and an Aeropostle sweatshirt. You grab your phone, keys, sunglasses, and wristlet. You run out the door. You got there in 15 minutes flat. When you got to the park, you saw Niall sitting on the bench signing autographs for directioners. You love some directioners. Others can just be little b*tches sometimes. They give you hate and it makes you feel awful about yourself. Some directioners though, are perfect. They love you for who you are and have no intention of hurting you. If anything, they give you compliments and want autographs from you.

"Oh hey babe!" Niall said smiling as he noticed you. "I'll just be a minute okay?"

"Don't worry. You're fine." I replied. You walked over to a tree and checked to see if you had any text messages. Some girls came up to you.

"Hey you're dating Niall right?" Asked a snobbish looking girl. She was wearing the shortest shorts ever, probably trying to show off her perfect thigh gap. She was wearing a Hollister sweatshirt and a snapback on top of her perfectly straightened blond hair. She had her eyebrows raised at you waiting for an answer.

"Ya, why?" You said.

"You should die in a hole!" Said another girl. She was wearing a see through white shirt, with nothing but a bra underneath, and another pair of the shortest shorts ever. She had her black hair in a messy bun and she was wearing like an inch of makeup. You were shocked by their rudeness, and nudeness. (See what I did there? It rhymes! Haha I'm a loser :p)

"I'm surprised Niall hasn't dumped you yet. You're disgusting." The first one sneered at me. They kept shooting rude comments at me. Finally I couldn't take it.

"Stop!" You yelled. "Just stop! What is the matter with - " You got cutoff mid sentence.

"Hey!" Said a familiar voice. A tear rolled down my cheek.

"Look she's a crybaby too!" They both laughed at there awful joke.

"What do you think your doing?" Niall asked coming up. He put a protective arm around your shoulders.

"Um, we um," the second girl started.

"If you can say it to my girlfriend's face, I bet you can say it to mine too." Niall said.

"Um, no! Niall, we never meant to hurt anyone, we were just...ah," The blond one said.

"Ya right." Niall shooed them away.

"Thank you." You said gratefully. Niall wiped the stray tears from your face and kissed your lips.

"Please, (Y/N), do not listen to a thing they said. Just get all of those ugly words out." Niall pleaded.

"Okay." You said. You hugged Niall. You were so glad you had a boyfriend as amazing as Niall. He was perfect. He always knew what to do. He could always make things right.

"Are you alright?" He asked concerned as he tucked a hair behind you ear.

"I'm alright now. Thank you Nialler." You hugged him again. "Thank you." You whispered.

"No problem babe. Now, can we go get some food? I'm starving!"

"Of course babe." You smiled. "Let's go." You guys walked hand in hand down the path at the park. If there was a cutest couple of the century award, you guys would win it. :)

I hope that was good! Please give me feedback in the comments! Also don't forget to inbox me if you want a personal imagine! Also check out my fanfiction, Anything is Possible! Thanks. Love ya'll. xoxo <333


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