Your birthday - Sweet Niall imagine for Gena

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  • Dedicated to Gena the birthday girl <3

Hi! So basically someone named Brooke asked me to make an imagine for her friend who's birthday is coming up. So, therefore this imagine is a birthday imagine! I hope you have an AMAZING birthday Gena!! I hope you have a GREAT day! I feel honored to be making an imagine for you! Brooke, you are an amazing friend. Well, I hope you love it! <33 

                                                                                            ~Maria :) xoxo

I woke up at 8:00 to an empty bed, well except for me of course. I went into the kitchen and found it was empty. I turned around and suddenly the lights turned on and I heard a chorus of "Happy birthday Gena!" I looked over and saw the boys. They started singing Happy Birthday to me. I just stood there. I was so happy. I love these boys. When the song ended, I jumped into Niall's arms. I kissed him.

"Happy birthday princess." He said.

"Thank you Niall. I love you." I said.

"I love you too."

After that I got ready. I straightened my brown curly hair. I love straightening hair. Hahaha! I put on a black see through blouse with a white tank top underneath, jean shorts and flip flops. I also had an infinity necklace to top it off.

"You look beautiful!" Niall said as I came downstairs.

"Thanks." I laughed. We all were playing some original party games. We played truth or dare, and later in the day, we did messy Twister. It was so fun! The best part of the day though was when I got to open my presents. Liam got me Just Dance 4. I LOVE Just Dance!

"Thanks Liam!" I exclaimed when I opened It.

"Your welcome." He smiled.

Zayn and Louis both got me snapbacks. I love snapbacks too! Harry got me a pink hair straightener. I just laughed at it. It was pretty though.

Then, Niall gave me his present. It was in a little velvet box. He opened it. My jaw dropped. Inside was a silver sparkly ring. I knew exactly what it was. Niall got me a promise ring. I basically flew over to him and kissed him before he could even say a thing.

"You like it?" He asked.

"It's gorgeous." I said. "Thank you." I hugged him again.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said. I think everyone can agree that my birthday was THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!

Hope you liked it Gena! Happy Bithday!!

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