He Comes Home With A Dog - Sweet Niall Imagine for @rollrollroll

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Another imagine! Get excited!! Lol but I have to go back to school tomorrow after a five weekend which sucks. :/ But what can I do? Absolutely nothing! YAY FOR ME. Hope you like the imagine Grace!

~Maria :) xoxo

I am so bored right now. Niall isn't home, and none of my friends will text or snapchat me back, amd I don't feel like going on Twitter and dealing with these crazy fans right now. I mean, I love them, but ya know.

And after what felt like an eternity, but in reality it was only like half an hour, Niall got home. And he wasn't alone. He had a box. A box that had something in it that was viciously scratching the sides trying to get out.

"Babe, what's in there?" I asked. I was kind of scared. Somehow I just had this bad feeling.

"I'll show you what's in here." Niall said; a wode smile plastered on his face. He opened the box and out came a bark and a woof. All I saw was a wagging tail and my confirmed answer was that Niall Horan had brought me home a puppy.

Oh, he's so romantic. Cheesy, but so romantic.

"Oh my goodness he is so cute!" I said scooping up the puppy which looked like a jack russell terrier puppy.

"She." Niall corrected.

"Oops. She." I smiled. "What's her name?" I asked scratching her brown ears.

"Jewles." Niall said happily.

"I love that name!" I exclaimed.

"I thought you would." Niall winked. She was adorable though. She had a small white body with cute little brown ears and a brown spot on her tail. She was so pretty too.

"I have all her food ans stuff in the car. I'll be right back." Niall said.

"Okay." I said. I was rubbing her soft pink belly now. I just wanted to gove her a big squeeze. She's so freaking cute.

"Thanks Niall." I said when he came back in.

"Oh your welcome babe. You've talked about a dog for so lonvg I just figured I'd get you one." He smiled.

"Thank you." I got up and hugged him. I was so glad.

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