He's Sick - Sweet Niall Imagine for @LaurenRuby1D

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Hello Munchkins! My teeth are FINALLY  feeling better and I'm back to normal. I have no school today so I'm updating! I have had two long weekends in a row! So awesomeee! And all I've been doing today is making brownies, and stalking celebrities on instagram. Keep following @mrs_horan_mrs_payne on instagram too! Hope you like this imagine Lauren!!

~Maria :) xoxo

"Hi Niall!" I exclaimed as he walked in the door. "Why are you home so early? Not that I don't love it of course." I smiled.

"Hi Lauren." Niall coughed. "Uh, babe I had to come home because I'm not feeling so well." Niall said and sat down on the couch.

"Aw! My poor babe. Let me get you some medicine. I'll be right back." I dashed off into the bathroom and got some cough medicine and Ibprofin just in case he got a headache or something. I felt terrible that Niall was sick.

"Here you go babe." I said. I handed Niall a glass of water, and his medicine. He took it. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. I went to On Demand and put on Niall's favorite TV show ever - Two and A Half Men. I saw him smile a bit during the show, and it made me feel better.

"Move over." I whispered and moved down to his end of the couch.

"No. I don't wanna get you sick." Niall said.

"I don't care if I get sick!" I said. "I wanna cuddle to make you feel better."

Niall sighed. "Fine. Come here." He said. I smiled and joined him on the couch. Honestly, if I get sick, I couldn't care less. I mean, I'm cuddling with the best boyfriend in the world.

I wanted this moment to last forever. And Niall, being the cheesy guy he is, made it even more special.

"I love you Lauren." He smiled. "And I hope you don't get mad when I get you sick."

"I love you too NIaller." I said kissing his cheek. "And for the one hundreth time, I don't care if I get sick! Because I know I have you to take care of me."

"I'll take care of you forever. As long as I live." Niall replied and kissed me again. <3

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