Imagine #38 Overprotective Brother

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HEY ALL MY MUNCHKINS!!! Lol I'm weird don't judge...Well I'm updating right now so get excited! It's finally summer for me too! I got out of school on June 20th! Now I'm going camping next month and I'm going to Florida! So, so far summer is going good! I hope all of ya'll can say the same!

~Maria :) xoxo

"If he hurts you, I swear to God I'll kill him myself." My brother Louis said to me.

"Relax Lou. Niall would never hurt me. He loves me." You reassured.

Yes, Louis Tomlinson is your brother. You aren't like most siblings. You rarely fight, and you are just nice to each other. You've always been like that. Just nice. The only thing is, Louis is kind of overprotective of you. And now that you're dating a guy, who just so happens to be Niall Horan, he's getting crazy. He keeps telling you that if Niall hurts me, he'll kill him. But, Niall would never hurt you.

"I don't know. Niall can be...destructive...sometimes." He said slowly.

"That's only when he's drunk! And trust me, he told me I'd never see him when he's drunk." You rolled your eyes.

"Fine. Just be careful over there!" Louis yelled to me as you walked outside. You sighed.

"Louis Tomlinson, look at me." You said. "You practically know Niall better than I do. Do you think he would physically or mentally hurt a girl no matter how much he doesn't like her?"

"Well..." He started,

"Exactly. Even if he has a burning hate in his soul for someone, he would never hurt someone when he's sober..." You shook your head. "He's not going to hurt me. He is a baby penguin, okay? And I love him, and he loves me. Alright?"

Louis nodded. "Okay."

"Can I go now?" You asked.

"Ya." Louis pulled you in for a hug before letting you go. You finally were off to your date with your boyfriend. You got into your car and drove to Bertucci's, where Niall was waiting for you.

When you got there, there was a table set up in the corner with candles, and your gorgeous boyfriend who was looking extremely handsome in his button down, and khakis and newly dyed blonde hair and sparkly blue eyes. He stood up and kissed you before you sat down.

"I told you he wouldn't hurt me!" You exclaimed.

"What?" Niall asked.

"Louis was going crazy before I left about how you were gonna hurt me, and I had to lecture him in an attempt to calm him down." I smiled.

"Me? Hurt you? I'd rather kill myself." Niall said. I blushed.

"I told him." I whispered.

"I love you too much to hurt you." He said again.

"I know Niall. I love you too." This time I got up and kissed him, and I'm pretty sure the waitress saw me, and then I blushed a deeper shade of red than the first time.

When we got back, Niall explained to Louis everything I tried to earlier and finally, Louis let it go. He said, "I'm sorry for being an overprotective brother. I just don't want (Y/N) to get hurt. But I trust you Niall. I trust you won't hurt her." Which earned a hug from me and an "I told you so." From Niall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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