Paul Gets Annoyed With You - Sweet Niall Imagine for @Lalalopsy0

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Hi again! I'm writing another imagine tonight! This is my third one today. I just wanna thank you guys again for reading these. I'm soo soo glad you all want personal imagines, are vote for this, and read and comment, it makes me so happy!

~Maria :) xoxo

"C'mon Niall!" Paul called from the stage. It ddn't help that we were already late coming into sound check, because of so many fans wanting pictures and autographs, but now I was getting Niall distracted during the practice.

"I'm sorry! I just go down here." I went in between two rows of seats and lay down on th ground which caused Niall to go into hysterics. Obviously I wasn't helping.

Then during, Best Song Ever, I decided to start dancing like a freak right behind Paul, and mouthing the words, whih caused Niall to laugh even harder than the first time. Paul looked behind him and saw me, then made me go sit down in the back.

However that didn't helo either because I just decided to stand on the seats and pretend to be superman. That caught all the boys attention, and Paul wasn't particularly amused.

"Lashwndra!" He yelled. "Come here." He said.

I walked up from the back to where Paul was standing. "Yes?" I said quietly.

"We realky need to have this practice. This is one of the biggest shows of this tour. Som very important people are coming. This sound check and practice is vital for our reputation. I would appreciate if you would just calm down." He moved piece of my brown hair and put it behind my ear.

"Okay." I smiled.

"Thank you." He said.

The rest of the time, I just sat in the third rown and ocassionly mouthed some words here and there. I didn't like when Paul was upset with me, so I decied just to sty quiet tye ret of the time.

At the end, Niall came running over to me. "Lashwndra! I'm sorry about Paul." He said kissing me cheek.

"Oh don't worry. It's all good." I said.looking over at him. Niall just laughed.

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